Chapter 18: Say I Love You

Start from the beginning

"You're evil. You know that?"

Kyoyo giggled. "Tell me something I don't know. But he deserves it, that lying perv."

"Good morning ladies," Ruki greeted with Kou by his side.

"Oh good morning Ruki...Kou..." Yui bowed her head to each of them.

Kyoyo scowled back and forth at them. "What do you guys want? Better yet, what are you doing here Ruki? You graduated."

Yui tugged her best friend by the sleeve. "Stop being so rude," she whispered.

"I'm sorry Yui but these guys are asshole," she glared once more.

"Yui she's right...and I apologize for me and my brother's actions," said Ruki with a bow. "Anyways I'm here on personal business with the principle."

"What my brother said," Kou spoke when looking at Kyoyo. "However, I feel greatly regretful that I tried to harm you."

Kyoyo huffed. "Serve you right! You also hurt one of my best friends, so it's her that you need to apologize to."

"True...However... I too was hurt by your friend's actions. Our relationship didn't exactly end on the good note." He reminded.

Ruki nodded, "Indeed. Ayato and Subaru Sakamaki came to our home causing a bit of trouble. Ayato even set our lawn on fire."

Kyoyo's purple eyes widen in pleasant surprise. "He did what?"

"Oh right, you weren't there when it happen Kyoyo," Yui shamefully blushed when looking down at her feet.

Kyoyo grinned. "I think that I'm starting to like Ayato a little more every day."

"I reckon your friend doesn't really like us very much Yui." Ruki chuckled.

Yui awkwardly laughed. "No, what makes you think that?"

"Because she keeps scolding us," Ruki nodded his head towards Kyoyo when lifting his eyebrow.

Yui fixed her eyes on the grinning girl standing next her.

Kyoyo shamelessly looked back at her. "What? They had it coming."

"Yui, do you mind if I borrow your friend for a few," Kou nervously asked.

Kyoyo crossed her arms to her chest and shook her head. "No you may not borrow me."

He took her by the wrist and dragged her across the hallway anyways. "Unhand me blonde!" She demanded.

Ruki interruptedly laughed. "Your friend is something else. I hope she doesn't give Kou too much of a hard time."

Yui looked at him with a warm smiled. "That's just how Kyoyo is. But when you get to know her she could be the sweetest human bean ever."

The lanky tall handsome vampire nodded with agreement. "I believe you...Anyways, if you don't mind me asking, how are things back at the Sakamaki manor?"

"Well...things could be better," she muttered.

He sighed. "Let me and Ayato are having problems."

The blonde looked away with sadness. "You can say that... We had a bit of a misunderstanding."

"So why haven't you worked it out with him," he curiously wondered.

Yui uncontrollably turned pink. "Believe me. I want to. It's just that he doesn't"

Ruki shook his ruffed hair. "My advice to you to him regardless if he doesn't want to. You guys are in this relationship with each other. And if I knew that this was going to happen, I wouldn't have let him take you away from me."

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