Chapter 3: Training

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After the delightful encounter with Levi, the emotional exhaustion was gradually beginning to settle in. To be quite honest, you just wanted to be alone; it wasn't exactly fun to be constantly berated with questions. 

"Hey, y/n!" Petra called after you. "Wait up!" 

"What?" You asked, your voice still notably tense. "I'm sort of busy right now." 

She caught up with you, panting. "I hope the Captain didn't give you too bad of a scolding; I swear that he's not usually this stern..."

You rolled your eyes. The kiss-assery was obvious among the jumbled words; did she have a crush on him? 

"Petra, forgive me for asking, but do you have feelings for Levi?"

Petra reddened. "M-me? L-l-like the Captain?!" 

"It's plain to see that you admire him greatly," you said bluntly. "If you feel something more, just tell him. I'm sure it couldn't hurt."

"I-I don't know..."

"I would imagine that Levi doesn't exactly have many women pining after him. Besides, what is he going to do? Yell at you for confessing?" You were trying to be sympathetic to Petra; she seemed to be troubled with her feelings, and it hurt you to see her like this. Plus, maybe Levi would learn some manners from her, should he court her. 

She looked down apprehensively, dragging the tips of her shoes through the dirt. "I mean.... I guess I could..."

"What in the world, are you two doing?" A stern voice broke the peaceful nature of the conversation. 

Speak of the devil.

Levi glared at you, the impact of his boots leaving a trail of dents in the mud behind him. "I told you to go meet me for training in the fields thirty minutes ago. What the hell have you doing this entire time?" 

Glaring at him, you glanced haughtily to the side. "I've been talking to one of our comrades; I apologize that I didn't have the absolute pleasure of hearing you bark orders at me." 

Levi's eyes flashed menacingly, suddenly filled with a newfound fury. He marched up closer to you, gripping your wrist with an intense strength.

"H-hey, watch it!" You yelped out in pain from the pressure. "That fucking hurts, you idiot!" 

"Just because you're an amnesiac doesn't give you the right to shout at me. I am your superior." He said lowly. "You will listen to what I say, and right now, we're going to train.

Levi jerked your body forward, your legs dragging precariously through the grass. 

"W-wait-! Levi, I can walk on my own-!" 

Unfortunately, your pleas were drowned out in Levi's ears, the dirt now piling up in clumps on your boots. Your wrists? Still pulsing from the abuse it had received just moments prior to your apparent abduction. 

"Shut up!" He growled at you. "This is what happens when you don't listen, y/n."


By the time that Levi had finally let go of your arm, it was already furiously red and bruised.

"W-what was that for?! You didn't have to drag me all the way to the fields yourself!" 

 Although you were pissed, Levi's actions had made your face flushed. 

Wait... Your face was flushed? Were you into being dragged by short angry men or something? What the hell? 

Amnesia [Reader x Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now