Chapter 10: Dream

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<<This chapter is brought to you by Levi's Brand Bleach! Use it to clean floors brats dirty up. Just put it in a bucket, grab a mop, and clean!>>

You looked at Levi, who was immersed in the night sky. His dark bangs hung messily in his face, his eyes glittering from the reflection of the moon.

"Levi...." You said wistfully.

He turned. "Huh?"

Your hand set gently on his jaw. "I....I love you."

Closing your eyes, you leaned in, and kissed him.

If only


You woke to rain pounding eerily on your window.

It was.... a dream.....

You felt disgusting that you had dreamt of kissing Levi, especially after you had promised yourself you wouldn't get between him and Petra.

That was your plan.

To just brush aside your feelings, and hope that you could move on with your life.

For some reason, however, the very thought of it wrenched your heart.

"Levi...." Tears spotted your blanket. You knew if you threw away your feelings, it could possibly repair your relationship with Petra, and Eren wouldn't be acting weird, and you could all act as a family again....

Wiping your tears, you pulled on a t-shirt, and walked downstairs into the kitchen. Petra sat at the front end, staring out the window.

You fiddled with your hands. "Look... Petra, I'm really sorry---"

"Sorry that you nearly took my boyfriend away from me?" Petra said bitterly.

"W-what?" You stuttered.

She got up, and strutted towards you. "I've been trying to get Levi for the past five years, and he hasn't paid any attention to me. Suddenly, we find you in a ditch on the side of a fucking road, and he pays attention to you."

Your face turned red. "Wa-wait a second, Petra. Levi hasn't---"

"He deserves better than you! Levi needs someone understanding, pretty, smart.... Obviously, you don't fit the bill, sweetie."

Every word that came out of Petra's dirty mouth made you more and more angry. Not only was she pissing you off, but she thought she was speaking truth, whereas she was actually speaking lies.




Your arms shook. "Don't....You dare....Tell me that I don't deserve Levi.... You bitch...."

Petra looked at you with a disgust. "Excuse me?"

"Levi deserves someone who can match his passive personality, and keep up with him. He needs someone who'll respect him, and like him for him."

She got up, and jabbed you in the chest. "He doesn't deserve a slut like you, y/n--"

"I didn't say I deserved him." You yell. "I don't even deserve don't even deserve to be friends with him. I'm just a selfish freak who has amnesia, and can't do shit to save her life! Yeah I wanted Levi, but because I thought you were my friend, I backed off!"

You turned around to exit the room [and possibly have a pity party with you and a cup of tea], but something--someone---was blocking your way.

Heart pounding, you looked up at the grim face that stared at you.


Hey beautiful children~~

Sorry I haven't updated in freaking forever

I swear it's school


anyways I hope you enjoyed it even though it's short af and I'm lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

seriously this is only freaking 500 something words with this message in it

note---- I just joined Tumblr because I'm STUPID AND I HAVE NO SOCIAL MEDIA LIKE AT ALL

Please follow me because my rep on tumblr sucks ass :D


and mebbe on Quizup? XD

Quizup: @tomato-kun




You don't need to read because that's what ur doing right now

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