Chapter 2: Questions

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<<This chapter is brought to you by-----okay I got nothing..... It's brought to you by my hands....wait.... that came out wrong.... I MEANT---->>

Yeah yeah Naomi just shut up

anyway here's the chapter derp (。々°)

Another day had dawned, much to your dismay. Despite the storm that had previously raged, small slivers of sunbeams shone confidently through the basement windows. The sleep (or lack thereof) pulled at your eyes wearily, begging you to shut them once more. You had tried your best to sleep last night, but your efforts were futile. Instead, you had spent your time deep in thought, trying to figure out how to hide your identity from Levi. 

Did you have any definite proof that you were his y/n? No. 

Did it really matter if he did find out? Probably not. 

But it didn't matter. You didn't remember who he was, nor did you currently know who he was. The dangers this man could pose... It was scary to think about. Even if you two were connected, even if you were his y/n... 

That didn't entirely exempt him from being a threat to you. 

You brushed off your fatigue and swung your legs out over the hard mattress, the stark cold floor icy against your feet. 

"I see you're awake." 

A raspy voice broke into your thoughts, instinctively pulling your gaze towards the speaker. 

Levi stood at the base of the stairs with his arms crossed. "Come on, the recruits are already upstairs eating breakfast." 

You scoffed and glared at him. "Oh, so now you want to treat me like one of your soldiers? What happened to you not trusting me?" 

He clucked his tongue in response to the contradiction, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just get up there before I change my mind." 

The thumping of the stairs announced his departure, leaving you alone in silence once more. 


"So... How did you sleep last night?" Eren was munching noisily on a skinny loaf of bread. "I can't imagine being around the captain for five minutes, much less sharing a room with him." 

You stared at your bowl of porridge disdainfully; it stared back, just as pitiful. "Terrible. The basement needs some serious renovations; I thought I was going to choke on the humidity down there..." 

Levi, who was sitting alone at another table, looked up for a brief second from his tea. He tried to act disinterested in the conversation, but you could tell that he was listening in. 

Ah... Maybe I shouldn't mention... 'that'... 

"Oh, yeah," Armin interrupted, "my grandfather once told me that after a while, amnesia can gradually disappear. I know it's only been a short time since you've developed it, but have you recovered any memories yet?"

You looked to the side, desperate to hide your guilt. " 

"N-no, I haven't. Not yet, at least."

"Do you at least remember your name?" 

The questions were obviously from a place of genuine concern and worry, but that didn't stop you from silently cursing Armin. Why couldn't you have been held hostage by a bunch of bumbling idiots? Ugh... 

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