Chapter 9

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Chapter 9.
Adam let out a battle cry, grabbed Sebastian around the shoulders and tried to take him down, making him drop Selena and Chase.
Selena stood up but Chase remained unconscious.
Douglas ran over and checked Chase's pulse.
"Is he ok?" Bree asked.
"I'm not sure." Douglas said.
"Guys." Adam said.
Selena stuck the bionic cuffs on him and connected his chip to the transference device.
"Quick, connect Adam, Bree and Chase to it." Douglas said.
Leo connected the wires and Selena started the device.
In a few short seconds it was done.
Bree ran toward the wall and back.
"I have my speed back." Bree smiled.
Adam smashed the wall.
"Why would you do that?" Leo asked.
"I needed to see if I had my strength back and I do. Along with some broken bones." Adam said.
Bree helped him sit down in a chair.
"Guy's, I'm sorry, he's gone." Douglas said standing up.
"He can't be." Leo said.
Bree started crying and Adam was barely keep himself from crying.
"Douglas, remember when you told me about that ability I have, the one where I can bring people back to life?" Selena asked.
"Normally I would say it's too risky because it hasn't been tested yet, but I would rather lose you then Chase, so do it." Douglas said.
"Really?" Selena asked.
Douglas nodded.
She put a hand on his heart and grabbed her heart at the same time.
A few minutes later she stood up pouring sweat.
"Did it work?" Adam asked.
"His pulse is going back to normal. He's gonna live." Douglas said.
Everyone sighed with relief.
"I'm too worn out to super speed everyone back to the academy and we had to walk for four hours past the hydra loop entrance to get here and we are all to tired to do that. Plus Chase is barely alive and I think Adam has a few broken ribs." Bree said.
"Wait, I thought that ribs were just a food. Does this mean I have hot wings too?" Adam asked.
"No. Unless you snuck them with you." Bree said.
"Great, now I want hot wings." Adam said.
Just then they heard a noise from outside.
"I'll go see what that was." Bree said super speeding out of the room.
A few seconds later she came back.
"Guys, it's Mr. Davenport!" Bree happily exclaimed.
"What are you so happy about? I'm gonna be killed." Douglas said.
Mr. Davenport came in the room and motioned for his head of security to come in and get Sebastian.
"Leo, can you and Douglas get Chase. I need to talk to Selena. Alone." Mr. Davenport said.
"I understand if you want me locked up." Selena said.
"I think you understand that what you did was very wrong. Why would you do this?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"He threatened to kill my family unless I helped him get his bionics back. And I didn't want to lose them. I am so sorry Mr. Davenport. If you can possibly forgive me, I would like you to."
Selena said.
"You know what. I might be able to forgive you." Mr. Davenport said.
"Thank you so much. I swear you will not regret it." Selena said.
"We'll discuss your punishment later. Right now we need to get to the academy. I heard that Chase almost died and Adam broke his ribs." Mr. Davenport said.
Selena followed Mr. Davenport to the helicopter.
Selena was pacing outside of Chase's room in the infirmary when Bree came over.
"What's going on in there?" Bree asked.
"I honestly don't know. The only person that they let in there is Mr. Davenport." Selena said.
"Is that why you're holding Chase's jacket?" Bree asked.
"Mr. Davenport just handed it to me a few minutes after we got back. Besides, it's really warm. I want one of these." Selena said.
"Mabye later. Uh Selena, you might need to stop pacing. You're making a trench in the floor." Bree said.
Selena sighed, jumped out of the floor like a Jedi and closed it up.
"You know, you never cease to amaze me." Bree said.
Selena shrugged.
Then Mr. Davenport opened the door and closed it behind him.
"How is he?" Bree and Selena asked at the same time.
"We honestly don't know. He keeps going from stable to unstable and back to stable. He might not even make it through the night. By the way, Selena, I need to scan your chip" Mr. Davenport said pulling out his mini chip scanner.
Selena parted her hair and Mr. Davenport stuck the chip scanner on her chip.
A few seconds later it made a beeping noise.
"Good." Mr. Davenport said.
"Good what?" Selena asked.
"Sebastian's energy force might have given gave Chase a virus in his chip, that or it was my transference device, anyway, I needed to make sure you didn't have it either." Mr. Davenport said.
"Then why did you leave him?" Bree asked.
"First of all, there are three other nurses and a doctor in there with him, and what was the other thing? Oh yeah. My other son has broken ribs and maybe I want to make sure he's ok." Mr. Davenport said.
"Can I go in there?" Selena asked.
"He's still unconscious but I don't think it could hurt." Mr. Davenport said.
Selena opened the door.
"Hi Fred." Selena said to the doctor and sat down in a chair.
"Are you allowed to be in here?" One of the nurses asked.
"Mr. Davenport, your boss, said I could be, Jane." Selena said.
Jane backed away from Selena.
Selena picked up Chase's hand.
"Please don't die. I love you to much for you to die." Selena thought to herself.
Is Chase gonna be ok?
Over and out.

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