Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.
"Are you sure you don't know what's wrong with Selena?" Bree asked.
"Why would I know?" Leo asked.
"Because you are one of her closest friends, or at the least, her B.G.F." Bree said.
"Her what?" Leo asked.
"Best gamer friend." Bree said.
"Oh. Just ask Chase." Leo said.
"Mr. Davenport said I couldn't tell him." Bree said.
"Not tell me what?" Chase asked.
"Chase! Wow, you are looking great. So glad you are back on your feet." Leo said.
"What are you guys hiding from me?" Chase asked.
"Mr. Davenport told us not to tell you." Bree said.
"I guess I'll just use my voice modifier app on my phone and break up with somebody's girlfriend." Chase said looking at Leo.
"No! Fine, Mr. Davenport might have taken away Selena's teacher access." Leo said.
Bree face palmed herself.
"What?" Chase asked.
"Technically she brought it on herself." Bree said.
"What do you mean?" Chase asked.
"Ever since that mission she has been unacceptable so Mr. Davenport said that until her attitude improves she can't do teacher stuff." Bree said.
"I'm gonna have a word with her." Chase said limping off.
Selena's dorm.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Selena opened the door.
"Chase, we aren't allowed to see each other." Selena whispered.
"I know, but I really need to talk to you. Is there anyone else in there?" Chase asked.
"No. Come in." Selena said.
Chase sat down on the couch beside the capsules.
"So, what did you need to talk to me about?" Selena asked giving Chase a water bottle.
"Bree and Leo told me that your teacher privileges were taken away because of your attitude. What's going on?" Chase asked.
"I was afraid of this." Selena said, pulling something out from under her bed. A taser.
Chase dropped the open water bottle on the floor, stood up and backed up.
"Selena, put down the taser and explain." Chase insisted.
"Dear, sweet, innocent Chase, I would tell you what I'm planning to do, but it's too much for your incompetent brain to handle." Selena said.
"Selena, what is wrong with you?" Chase asked.
"I work for the person who should be ruling this world now, and if you tell anyone it was me who did this to you then I will not be so gentle next time. If you need something to say, say that our relationship is over." Selena said turning on the taser and snapping her fingers, making two masked figures grab Chase.
"Get him on his knees." Selena commanded.
The men got Chase on his knees, Selena tased him and she picked him up and dropped him outside of his room.
Then she picked up her phone.
"Yes? Did you complete your mission?" The other person on the line asked.
"I think you'll be pleased. We will get your bionics back, Sebastian." Selena said.
"Good. Get your teacher access back." Sebastian said.
"I understand." Selena said, hanging up the phone and throwing the taser out the window.
"Ok guys, today's class is take your enemy and turn him into your barbell." Adam said.
Then Bree ran in the room.
"Hey Bree, you here to take the class?" Adam asked.
"No, I came to tell you that class is dismissed. Chase was attacked outside our room." Bree said.
"Class is dismissed." Adam said, following Bree.
Mr. Davenport was beside him checking his pulse.
"I just heard, is he ok?" Leo asked, out of breath from running all the way from the other side of the academy.
"He'll be fine, it looks like someone took a taser to him." Mr. Davenport said standing up.
Just then Chase started to come to.
Leo sat down beside him.
"What happened? My head is killing me." Chase said.
"Someone tased you. Do you know who it was?" Leo asked.
"I can't remember anything that happened after talking to you and Bree." Chase said.
"I don't get it. How can you lose three hours of your memory." Bree asked.
"Wait, is that I think it is?" Leo asked picking it up.
"It's a chip extractor. But what's it doing on the floor? Chase, do something with your bionics." Mr. Davenport said.
"Like what?" Chase asked.
"I know. What's the square root of eighty one?" Bree asked.
"Is it seven?" Chase asked.
"Whoever it was took his chip, because not only he wouldn't have gotten it wrong, but he wouldn't have asked if the answer was right." Bree said.
"I don't feel very good." Chase said.
"I know, my stomach hates me to for eating the casserole last night." Adam said.
"Chase, come with me. Douglas needs to make sure that whoever did this at least did it right." Mr. Davenport said helping him off the floor.
"I feel really bad for Chase. I would hate it if my chip was taken." Bree said.
Then her phone rang.
"Hello? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok." Bree said hanging up.
"What was that?" Adam said.
"Douglas took out his chip to do some research on it." Bree said.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Adam said.
"That makes so much more sense." Leo said.
"But they still don't know who tased him." Bree said.
"Is it another rebel." Adam asked.
"I honestly don't know." Bree said.
BTW, I am a major part of the R5 family, and this song is probably my favorite, so listen to it right now.
Over and out.

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