Chapter 8

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Chapter 8.
"Bad news Sebastian." Selena said.
"You broke the transference device?" Sebastian asked in alarm.
"No. Bree is coming, but she's bringing Leo and Douglas." Selena said.
"You get Leo and Bree, I'll deal with Douglas." Sebastian said.
"I told you they would come." Chase said.
"Can I ask a question? Why would you even think about dating him?" Sebastian asked.
"At least I'm not his ex bestie." Selena said.
"I thought we agreed not to talk about that." Sebastian said.
"Good point." Selena said.
"How do we get in?" Leo asked.
"There's probably a crazy security system." Douglas said.
"Come on geniuses." Bree said opening the door.
"Well, I'm starting to think she's smarter than you." Leo said.
"Shh." Bree whispered.
Leo, Bree and Douglas snuck towards them.
"What is that?" Leo whispered.
"That's Donnie's transference device. Selena said she was..... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Douglas whispered.
"Yeah." Bree whispered.
"Ok, Leo, destroy the machine. Bree, save the boys, I'll be back here for reinforcements." Douglas whispered.
"What we talking about?" A voice whispered.
"Selena is right behind us, isn't she?" Leo asked.
Douglas, Bree and Leo turned around to see Selena with a grin on her face.
"Boys!" Selena yelled.
The two men grabbed Leo and Douglas, Selena grabbed Bree, put her in the cuffs and tied her up to Chase and Adam.
The two men tied up Douglas and Leo.
"Boys, the little one has bionics." Sebastian said.
The two men stuck the cuffs on Douglas.
"Not him. The other one!" Sebastian yelled.
They took the cuffs off of Douglas and put them on Leo.
"How did you escape?" Bree asked.
"Simple really. Once one of the men right beside you grabbed Selena and gave her my cyber message. She broke me out of the prison." Sebastian said.
"You're horrible. I can't believe I liked you." Bree said.
"Yeah. I can't help the fact you were desperate." Sebastian said.
"It's almost ready. Boys, connect their chips to the device." Selena said.
"Are you sure you should be doing this? It hasn't been tested yet and I don't want one of my family members to have their head on their butt." Leo said.
"What are you talking about Leo? We tested it four hundred times. It's flawless." Douglas said.
"I was trying to buy some time. So next time, shut your mouth!" Leo yelled.
One of the men grabbed Adam's neck and connected the wire to it.
"Next time you do that be careful, my neck is sensitive." Adam said.
"Boss, we connected the wires." One of the men said.
"Good." Sebastian said sitting down in a chair.
Selena connected a wire to Sebastian's chip and turned on the device.
"I can't watch this." Leo said.
"You're going to have to because I'm not going to." Douglas said.
Leo rolled his eyes.
"Chase, override Adam and Bree." Sebastian said.
"No." Chase said.
"Do it now or I will and I have complete control of your bionics." Selena said.
"I'm sorry guys." Chase said.
Chase turned on his override app and had complete control over their bionics.
The device powered on, giving Sebastian bionics, taking Adam's, Bree's and Chase's all at the same time.
"And done." Selena said turning off the device.
Adam, Bree and Chase passed out.
"Take the cuffs off of them. They can't hurt us anymore." Selena said.
"Now I will rule the world!" Sebastian yelled.
"So, I can go now?" Selena asked.
"Yeah, but don't forget this." Sebastian said blasting her.
Selena fell to the floor.
"Good thing the dead weight is gone. Now to deal with you." Sebastian said to Douglas and Leo.
"Hold up Sebastian." Bree said.
Sebastian turned around.
"How did you get out of the ropes?" Sebastian demanded.
"Selena can't tie ropes to save her life. It was easy. It helps that Mr. Davenport taught us how to get free from ropes." Chase said.
"It doesn't matter. You can't fight me. I have your bionics." Sebastian said.
Bree and Adam came over and knocked him over.
Chase snuck towards Sebastian, grabbed the key's to Leo's handcuffs, came over, undid the ropes and took off Leo's handcuffs.
"Leo, you are the only person who can get us out of this. Do you understand?" Chase asked.
Leo nodded.
Then Sebastian grabbed him with a weird energy force ball thing.
"I think I'm gonna kill you first." Sebastian said tightening his grip and choking him.
"When did you get that!?" Bree demanded.
"I had to test the transference device. I took one of Selena's abilities." Sebastian said.
"Hey creepy." Leo said trying to blast him and hitting his guards.
"I don't have a problem with that." Leo said.
Sebastian picked up Selena with his energy force ball thingy.
"Stop it now or I'll destroy them both!" Sebastian yelled it echoing through the whole warehouse.
Are Selena and Chase ok? What'll happen next?
Over and out.

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