Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.
It was the middle of the night when Mr. Davenport called Adam, Bree, Leo and Selena.
"I was monitoring these warehouses when I found this one that is full of chemicals that if not disposed of properly will explode here to Amsterdam. Now since Chase is unable to lead the mission in person, he will be on the other side of Selena's comm set. Adam and Leo, you remember how to get the samples safely, correct?" Mr. Davenport asked.
Adam and Leo nodded.
"So Selena is our mission leader?" Bree asked.
Mr. Davenport nodded.
"Awesome!" Leo exclaimed.
"Go get changed." Mr. Davenport said.
"Ok Chase, we're in." Selena whispered.
"Adam and Leo know how to get the samples safely. So Bree will keep a eye out. You look around for alarms with your eye scan, did you get that?" Chase asked.
"Yeah. Ok, Adam and Leo, samples. Bree, guard duty." Selena said.
They nodded and got to work.
Selena scanned the room, then she did her thermal scan, just to be safe and detected a signature.
She walked towards it when it grabbed her and ripped off her comm set.
"Selena! Selena, can you hear me?!" Chase yelled, getting nothing in return but static.
Ok, we got the samples." Adam said.
"Wait where's Selena?" Bree asked.
"What do you mean where's Selena? I'm right here, you dopes, let's go." Selena said, picking up her mission bag and leaving the room.
"What's with Selena?" Leo whispered.
"Can't girls be a little moody?" Bree asked.
"Hello. I'd like to be out of here before I'm thirty. Chop chop." Selena said.
"Ok, a lot moody." Bree whispered.
The bionic academy.
"Hey Mr. Davenport. Here's the samples." Adam said, handing him a bag full of canisters.
"Thank you. Chase told me he lost contact with Selena during the mission. Do you know what that was about?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"Well she went off to do a few scans and when she came back, she was acting snappy, and more then any girl should." Bree said.
"She's probably just exhausted. So she got a little cranky. She'll be fine tomorrow, but that doesn't explain why we lost contact with her. Maybe her comm set is broken." Mr. Davenport said.
"Selena, why did we lose contact with you?" Chase asked.
"Because my comm set fell on the ground and I forgot to put it back on." Selena said, walking away.
Next day.
"So these are just some basic martial arts moves, nothing too advanced. Follow my lead." Bree said.
"If she had any sense of direction." Selena whispered to the class making them laugh.
"Guys! I can't teach you if your laughing. What's so funny?" Bree asked.
"What's so funny? I'm sorry grandma, what were you saying?" Selena asked.
"Who said that?" Bree asked.
Nicki pointed to Selena.
"What else do you want to say Selena? Because if it's that important to you, then say it to my face." Bree said.
"Oh, I'm sorry Bree, I didn't realize that was your face." Selena said.
"That's it." Bree said, grabbing her arm and super speeding towards Mr. Davenport's office.
"Mr. Davenport. I'm having a little trouble with one of the students." Bree said.
"Who is it?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"Just a star student who may or may not be dating one of the other teachers." Bree said pushing Selena into the office.
"Selena? Why would you even think about disrupting class?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"Maybe because the classes are boring." Selena said.
"I don't know what happened to your attitude, but until it's fixed, all of your "teacher" access is denied. No more missions, no more leaving the academy, all of your Davenport industries prototypes are being confiscated and no more seeing the mentors after hours unless you have a serious problem." Mr. Davenport said.
"That's so unfair." Selena said leaving the room.
"What about Chase?" Bree asked.
"He'll understand. Probably." Mr. Davenport said.
"I hope so. Any news about when he'll be back on missions?" Bree asked.
"The doctors think that he can start putting weight on his leg tomorrow or the day after. And his arm is almost completely healed." Mr. Davenport said.
"What are we going to do about Selena's attitude?" Bree asked.
"I honestly don't know. If we knew what she was upset about, then we could find out." Mr. Davenport said.
"Should I ask Chase if he knows?" Bree asked.
"We can't go to Chase for every problem we have, besides, his main focus is recovery and getting back on missions." Mr. Davenport said.
"I understand." Bree said.
"Good." Mr. Davenport said.
I'm obsessed with the song above! Especially the LR parts ;)
Thanks so much for reading this!
Over and out.

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