Chapter 5

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Chapter 5.
"Do you remember anything yet Chase?" Bree asked.
"I remember talking to Selena about something and that she said something about breaking up with me. But that's it." Chase said.
"Speaking of which. Has anyone seen Selena today?" Leo asked.
"Now that I think about it, no one has." Bree said.
Just then Selena ran in the room.
"And where have you been?" Leo asked.
"I know I'm not supposed to leave the island but my mom had a heart attack yesterday and I went to go make sure I wouldn't get in trouble for going to a funeral. Please don't tell Mr. Davenport." Selena pleaded.
"I think we can let it slide. After all, it was a family emergency." Bree said.
"Thank you." Selena said.
"No prob, but we have a bigger problem. Someone tased Chase yesterday and he lost some of his memory." Bree said.
"How much?" Selena asked.
"I went to talk to you and you said we we're breaking up." Chase said.
"We did Chase. I can't focus on training if I have to worry about a relationship. Because of what happened at my apartment, I lost my teacher privileges. I'm sorry, but it was gonna fall apart anyway." Selena said leaving the room.
"Chase, I am so sorry about this." Bree said.
"It's fine. I just lost my first girlfriend but I'll get over it. Eventually." Chase said leaving the room
"I feel really bad for Chase, after all, your first heartbreak is the hardest. I speak from experience." Bree said.
Then Douglas walked in the room with a box full of cords.
"What are you two talking about?" Douglas asked, starting to plug in the cords.
"Promise not to tell Mr. Davenport?" Leo asked.
"You would be surprised how many things I've kept from Donnie." Douglas said.
"We think something is wrong with Selena. She broke up with Chase. And she has been sneaking out." Bree said.
"I don't know what to do. Couples grow apart. And she probably wants to be alone. No biggie." Douglas said.
"I don't know." Bree said.
"Bree, you don't need to mosey your way into other people's lives." Leo said.
"Maybe you're right." Bree said leaving the room.
Bree opened the door to Chase playing wreaking ball on repeat.
"Knock knock." Bree said.
"Hey Bree." Chase said.
"You'll get over it? Looks like you're taking it pretty hard." Bree said.
"I guess." Chase said.
"Ok, I can't think. Please turn off Miley Cyrus." Bree said.
Chase turned down the music.
"Look. I know what it's like to have a broken heart. But if you need anything I'm here. Ok?" Bree asked.
Chase nodded.
Bree gave Chase a hug and started rubbing his shoulder.
Then Adam barged in the room.
"Hey guys, what's going on?" Adam asked.
"Selena and Chase broke up." Bree said.
"Selena realized she was too good for you?" Adam asked.
"Adam!" Bree exclaimed.
Chase got off the couch and walked towards Adam.
"Whoa Chase! Calm down!" Bree yelled grabbing him.
"Bree, let him do it." Adam said.
"Are you crazy?!" Bree asked.
"Trust me. You don't want a answer to that question." Adam said.
Bree let go of Chase.
Chase jumped on Adam.
Then she heard a SNAP.
"What was that?" Bree asked.
"My neck, ow!" Adam yelled.
"Chase, stop it. You're hurting him!" Bree yelled.
Then Mr. Davenport came in the room.
"Break it up. Chase, get off of Adam's neck. Adam, are you ok?" Mr. Davenport asked, prying Chase off of Adam.
"I think so." Adam said.
"Chase, what were you thinking? I remember telling you two, no more horseplay." Mr. Davenport said.
"I don't know, I just snapped." Chase said.
"What happened, and do I hear Miley Cyrus?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"No." Chase said, turning off the music.
"Selena and Chase broke up and Adam came in here and was saying stuff like "Selena realized she was too good for you?" If I was Chase, I probably would have done the same thing." Bree said.
"Adam, be nice to Chase, do you understand?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"Yeah." Adam said.
"Chase, you gonna be ok?" Mr. Davenport asked putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah." Chase said.
"Good, come downstairs." Mr. Davenport said.
"I'll be down in a second." Chase said.
Adam closed the door.
Chase picked up the picture of him and Selena and sighed.
Then he saw something poking out from the edge, a note.
Chase started reading it.
"Dear Chase, this is a very recent note that I put here after you got the picture.
Sebastian is free and he's threatening to kill my mom and Jason if I don't help him. He has a plan for Adam, Bree and your chip's. If I do anything to hurt you. Physically or emotionally, I'm sorry. But do not leave the academy or he'll hurt you. I had to sneak him a few chip extractors and when you started asking me stuff, I flipped out and pulled the taser on you. By the time you read this, he'll be on your trail and I won't be able to help you anymore.
One other thing. This message will self destruct and you'll forget all about it if you don't throw it into the ocean.
I will always love you Chasey, I hope you feel the same. Selena."
Chase stood up, ran over to the window and threw the note out into the ocean.
So what is going on with Selena? Is she evil? Is she not? Does she even like Chase still?
Who liked the Miley Cyrus humor? I thought it was a funny little touch.
If you guys have wiki accounts, tonight at 7:00 pm eastern time is the Elite Force wiki chat party, so come join us!
Also, two friends of mine, one on here and one on fanfiction, gave me ideas for my story on, and if guys could help me decide, I'll PM the ideas.
Over and out.

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