Today’s the day. Today’s the day I sneak out, the day I reunite with the Heartbreakers, the day I turn seventeen. Today is the day.

Usually in the morning I turn on autopilot, but not today. Today isn’t just a normal day.

After my morning routine of showering, dressing, and managing to tame my red hair, I stroll down the stairs with a cute little smile on my face. Walking into the kitchen, I find my dad waiting there expectantly with my mother at his side.

“Happy birthday Reesie!” My dad smiles largely, pushing a little wrapped box across the breakfast bar.

“Happy birthday Reese.” My mom chimes in, smiling as well. She is my mom so I know she can’t fake this. However, she is so not forgiven.

I continue to grin as I cross the room and pick up the box, jiggling it a little.

“Let me guess,” I begin, putting my ear up to the package and frowning on the inside, “something art related.”

My father’s smile falters, but he continues on beaming none the less, not saying a word. My mother just nods to the present, urging me to open it.

I peel back the simple light pink wrapping paper and reveal a little white box which I waste no time with. I lift the lid and before my eyes sits a silver necklace, but it’s not just any necklace. This necklace is in the shape of an artist’s palette and has my name carved into the middle. It reminds me a lot of something else I usually wear around my neck.

I clear my throat and look up to smile at them, but it’s tense.

As if I don’t see what’s going on here. They’re trying to get me to take the guitar pick off and replace it with this. Wouldn’t my mother feel like she’s got me wrapped around her little finger if I actually wore this? Of course she would. It’s almost like a trick. When the necklace comes off and is replaced with hers I’m no longer connected to the band, I’m connected to her.  She will be in complete control.

“I love it, thanks.” I tell them and take the necklace out of the box. The guitar pick hangs off my neck, resting on my chest perfectly visible against my shirt. I notice my mother raise her eyebrows in anticipation as I begin to fiddle with the latch of the new necklace. But, I don’t take the guitar pick off at all. I simply put the new necklace on over the pick and smile at them. I can practically see the vein in my mother’s forehead begin to twitch.


“Glad you like it, Reesie.” My dad grins and walks around the breakfast bar to kiss my forehead before leaving me alone to deal with my mother.

My mom’s eyes look down at the granite counter top and her slim fingers tap against the surface lightly. I turn around and avoid a conversation by quickly taking an apple out of the basket by the refrigerator and sticking it in my mouth as I exit the kitchen.


After a miserably slow day of school I arrive back home and enter the house just as the rain begins to pour heavily from the sky.

“Rats.” I mutter as I glance out the hallway window at the rapidly falling rain. This is going to mess up everything!

I hurry upstairs and almost bump into A.J. as he saunters out of his bedroom. He looks down at me and then glances out a nearby window.

“Well, I guess this is a sign. You shouldn’t go tonight,” he states casually, trying not to look smug.

I huff and look over my shoulder at the pouring rain, wincing at the faint sound of thunder in the distance.

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