As we walked in further people started to stare at us. At first I thought it was because the head of the Asylum was in the room, but then I realized they were staring at me. I frowned and wrapped my arms around myself insecurely.

"Good afternoon everyone!" Dr.Francis cheered into the room. It was apparent she was the happiest out of all the people here. A chorus of hellos and good afternoons filled the room and Dr.Francis clapped her hands together, obviously pleased.

"During lunch hours I'll hold a group meeting with everyone so we can introduce you. There's roughly 100-150 patients here." She explained to me while taking me down the halls. They had various rooms and peeking through I could see they were like class rooms. Some looked like offices which I figured were for therapy sessions or meetings.

"While designing we figured it'd be better to have less people so we can get to know each and every person here. This is just one of many facilities and each hold no more than 200 people. Our staff is amazing and you'll find yourself right at home."

At home is with Thomas, I thought but refrained from sharing with her.

Dr.Francis continued on about the staff and patients as we headed into an elevator to the dorms. "We have separate showers for each gender, and if you decide you don't want to use the separate bathrooms we do have a joint. Though you need to sign a slip with your information as to why you prefer those. We had them built for our transgender patients, and those who have no gender at all. But of course you have those frisky couples who want to shower and do... Things together in the joint bathrooms." I nodded my head softly and soon the elevator stopped at the fourth floor. That was a nice thought.

"Couples?" I asked. "People have relationships here?"

"A few of the teens do, yes." She left it at that and continued down the halls. "The first floor is mainly a lounge area. A lot of the patients go there to watch tv or surf the Internet."

I scoffed a bit. Surf the Internet. Such fun. "Does that mean I can get my phone?"

"Unfortunately, no. Our computers are open to almost all websites out there but we don't like the idea of social media and communication. Of course every Friday is visitors day so your friends and family can come see you for an hour and have lunch with you!"

My... My what?

"My family? Wait they know I'm here?" I asked, suddenly angry.

"Well of course my dear. It was your mother who sent you here after all." I stilled and stopped walking as she said that.

"Wh.. What?"

"I can't just take you here myself. Of course I did but what I mean is that if your parent sees it fit, they can send you here for extra help. You physically recovered but your mother decided you need more mental help."

Dr.Francis beckoned me to continue and I slowly started to follow her again. "I can't believe she would do that.." I whispered to myself.

Even if Dr.Francis heard me she decided not to reply. She stopped at a door and handed me a key. "This is your dorm. A few essentials are in there but you can request to have a few extra things as time goes by. Depending on your behavior and progress here we might just decide to reward you with things." She nodded her head and I unlocked the door and stepped inside the room.

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