0.18 - Realization

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My face starts to pale and I look back at him very seriously. "James... what are you saying?"

"What I'm saying, is that either this kid is someone not from here and he's lying to you, or he's not real."

"What?" I asked. My mouth becomes dry and my body becomes stiff. "He's real. He's definitely real.. How could you say something like that?"

"Well think about it. The only person who's seen him is you, no ones heard of the last name of Bright, and you say he only comes at night. It's a scam. He can't be real." James was so nonchalant that I wanted to slap him.

"You can't speak for the entire town, someone has to know who he is." My blood boiled and I didn't know what to think. Here, my best friend, was telling me that Thomas wasn't real. He has to be real.

"You know what? I have an idea," Austin smiled at me from her seat and then looked at James as well as everyone else sitting at the table. "I'll spend the night with Lilly and if Thomas shows up, I'll be able to see him. If he doesn't then... I suppose James would be right on this."

I gulped nervously and looked at everyone as my hands became clammy. "He doesn't come every night you know.. He might not come tonight."

"Can't you contact him in any way?" Ryder asked. "Like a phone number or an e-mail address?"

"No... he hasn't really given me anything.."

James sighed and shook his head as he sat back. "This just furthermore proves my case. He isn't real."

My head falls and I look down at my hands. They're shaking. Thomas is real. He has to be real. I start to laugh softly, and then louder, and soon I'm hysterical. "You're real funny James. Real, real funny. I thought you would be happy that I finally found someone I love, and here you are telling me that he isn't even real!" I scoff and stand, my laughs turning into ones that must make everyone think I'm pathetic.

I stand and grab my things as I head out towards the door, and on my way out I can faintly hear James telling everyone at the table, "She's so desperate she made up her own boyfriend..."


"Lilly! Hey wait up!" Austin said and soon was by my side. Xavier came on my other and they each smiled at me. "Let's have a sleep over okay? We'll sleep and if he comes wake us up, alright?" She said.

I slowly nodded and Austin gave me a huge smile before pulling me into a side hug.

"I've got the movie planned out too," Xavier said. "Leta get our bitch on and just watch Mean Girls. Got it?" I giggled softly and nodded, smiling and walking home with my friends.


Coming home my mom wasn't pleased I brought home a boy to spend the night. While we convinced her he was 100% gay and fabulous, she just shook her head and said we're sleeping in the living room.

That's a big no no.

"So tell us again why sleeping here is so bad?" Austin asked, pulling her natural waves up into a messy bun. She clutched at a pillow before tossing it in the pile we were creating for the movie.

"Thomas comes through the window, and if we're not in my room, he'll see I'm not there and we won't come." I frown and contemplate just going up to my room at 12:07, but then again, couldn't he just come through the living room windows?

Xavier perked his head up and looked at me through his black rimmed glasses. "Why the windows? Does he have class?"

"Oh he does," I smile to myself and stop lifting the pillows and blankets. "He's a gentleman, really. Charming."

Austin giggled and rolled her eyes at me. "You love sick puppy. I might just puke." I shoved her and laughed.

"I'm not love sick. I'm simply showing my... Endearment towards him."

And I really wasn't. I couldn't possibly be in love with him, could I? I think in a sense, I am, but the thought alone scares and chills me to the bone so much that I just deny it.

I mean... For all I know Thomas could be a mere figment of my imagination. Hell, I could be that crazy girl who was so desperate I made up my own fake boyfriend!

He's real. You know he is.

Maybe he's not...

Shut up Lillian! He's real and you know it. Don't you remember the way he kissed you? The way his hands traveled along your body and made you moan?

Ever heard of a wet dream?

Sleep with someone then... You'll see...

I shook my head and sighed as my temples started to hurt. "I'm not love sick..." I repeat, tiredly now.

"Whoa, bipolar much? Where was that smile?" She nudged me and grinned.

"It couldn't have ;left sooner. So what about that movie?"


Hey. Shit ending, I know. I don't feel like updating but I owe everyone one. Right? 

Lol who even is following this story anymore.

~ Mercay

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