7• Games in the bedroom

Start from the beginning

"Do you have a phone charger?" I asked as I held up my phone.

"Uh yeah it's um right here." He said as he looked away from his laptop and got on his hands and knees to reach down beside his bed to hold up the phone charger that was already plugged into the wall.

"Thanks." I told him as I walked over and took it, he dropping the cable before I grabbed it, I guess to avoid any 'homo' hand contact.

I plugged my phone in and sat down comfortably on the floor beside Tyler's bed as he played around on his laptop and I played on my phone.
The room was silent.

I felt like the more we sat their in silence the more time I was wasting. I could think of a million other things to boys alone in a room could do for entertainment.
I sighed and locked my phone and chucked it on the carpet beside me.
I caught a glimpse of tyler looking at me.

"What's up?" I asked him casually as I pressed my palms against my knees and rolled my shoulders back.

He shook his head and replied quietly "nothing."

I stood up and stretched out before I came over to his bed and crawled onto it.
He glances up at me for the briefest moment before shooting his gaze back to his laptops screen.
I sat in front of him on the bed, and watched him.
He kept his head down ignoring me.

"What's up?" He questioned in a deeper voice copying what I had said to him previously.

"Nothing." I replied just how he had done.

Things went silent again.

He's so pretty, just look at those soft lips, his smoothed caramel coloured cheeks. I sound so fucking poetic right now, kill me. But he is..beautiful..and I want him.
But I can't have him right now, not until he wants me as much as I want him.
It's like a game.

I tilted my head to the side as I admired his features with a slight smirk.

..and I love games.

I think he just needs a bit more of a push to take his turn at this game.
Not a forceful one, just..encouragement.
Let me show you what I mean.

I sat up on my knees in front of him, tugging my hoodie off and letting it drop down, I then reached my hands up and started undoing the buttons of my school shirt until it was completely open. I pulled off the formal white shirt leaving my bare chest on display.

Tyler of course looked up at me, his lips slightly parted and eyes wide as he let out a shaky breathe.

"I hate school uniforms." I said as I balled the shirt up in my hands and threw it over to where my school bag lay on the floor.

"Yeah same." Tyler muttered as if he wasn't all there, his eyes drifted back down to his screen. I could see his throat move as he swallowed, although his throat seeming a little strained.

I sat down and slid on my hoodie, zipping it up halfway carelessly so that a lot of skin was still exposed.
As I zipped it though, I accidentally caught my finger in it.

"AH!" I gasped.

Tyler winced. "Fuck don't do that." He blurted out.

"Don't do what? Get my flesh caught in a zip, good advice I'll remember that next time I-"

"No that stupid noise you made." He muttered as I spoke, but I heard him.

"Stupid noise?" I questioned as I quirked an eyebrow before smirking when I realised something.
"You mean this noise?" And with that I closed my eyes and threw my head back as I gasped out.
"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"No stop don't, don't do that." Tyler looked at me with panic.

I bounced myself slightly as I kept gasping, making my noises more sexual as I went.
That's when he quickly took action and slammed his laptop shut, as he sprung at me and put his hand over my mouth as I bounced.

"Shut up shhhhhhh shhh!" He ordered harshly as he kneeled in front of me, looking down at me as I kept dramatically moaning against his hand as I sat with my legs crossed.

His hand wasn't doing much to muffle me, which wasn't good for him as footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs at the other end of the hall. Tyler's head snapped towards his closed door.

This didn't stop me though.
Tyler looked even more distraught as he looked back at me.
And just as the footsteps could be heard in the hall tyler removed his hand from my mouth and grabbed the back of my head as he pulled my open moaning mouth to his.
Well this is one way to shut a moaning guy up.

As his mouth pressed against mine, swallowing my last gasp-

Fucking fireworks.

He tasted sweet, so fucking sweet and addictive.
This obviously shut me right up and we could both hear Tyler's mom humming to herself as she walked into another room out in the hall.

Sweet mother of god he is killing me. It was like shoving a bunch of sherbet into your mouth, it tinkles your mouth and lips and is sweet and all you want to do is shove more of it into your mouth and feel it against your tongue.

Our open mouths closed against eachothers, my bottom lip in his lips and his top lip on mine. I breathed out gently, quiet enjoying this.

Every inch of me was forcing me to take complete control of the situation but I wouldn't. I didn't initiate the kiss and this is his move of the game so I'm letting him figure out what he was doing.
But the only moving of his lips he did after that, was pull away, our lips gently separating as he let go of me.

I tried to savour the feeling of his soft lips on mine.
It felt pretty unbelievable. 10/10 would do again. I definitely want to get all up in that mouth.

"Fuck." Tyler whispered under his breath ever so faintly.
He then cleared his throat and looked up at me.
"Well, I blame you for that." His said as he sat down on his knees in front of me.

"I am fully willing to accept all blame for it. But you're the one who did it soo.." I toyed.

"I freaked and I didn't know how else to shut you up." He mumbled back.

"Why? Don't want your mommy hearing me moaning for you?" I questioned in fake innocence as I raised my eyebrows and bit down on my bottom lip.

Tyler's eyes darkened slightly as looked at me, he quickly shook himself out of it though and attempted to reply.
"N-no, you weren't moaning for me, d-don't say that."

"Aw did I make you uncomfortable." I asked in a hushed tone as I leaned towards him, placing my arms either side of him, my hands holding me up against the mattress.

"Or, is it that you secretly like it when I gasp for you but you don't want to admit do you." I whispered next to his ear.
He didn't move away, I just saw his eyes flutter closed and his lips part slightly as I spoke.

"Or if you want...I can make you moan and gasp for me this time." I whispered huskily, my voice going deep as I felt my dominate self stepping out.

His breathing came out shaky as his chest rose and sunk as he listened to me.
"Fuck." He whimpered.

"It's such a shame though, that you're straight." I said as I pulled away, enjoying teasing him.

It was so utterly clear that there was no way in heaven he was straight, he was hella gay. You just have to look at the front of his pants currently to know that.

"Yeah..yep, I'm-I'm straight." Tyler repeated in a mutter with his eyes glazed over.
But his eyes looked into mine pleadingly as if begging me to touch him, to do something, to get close to him again.

...and believe me I want to baby boy.

Hey little frisky nuggets, I see you, waiting patiently for smutty boy on boy action that we all live for.

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