Chapter 12

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"Maranda...Maranda.. Stop pleas I'm just trying to help."
"Help? Newt seriously your not helping me I have lost everyone, everyone I came here with everyone I knew and loved and now you Newt I love you and I.. I can't let you stay here alone pleas just come!."
"You know I can't."
"What if I stay with you?."
"I couldn't never let you do that I would never forgive my self."
"Pleas Newt Pleas."
"Maranda I'm sorry."
Maranda couldn't stop crying Newt pulled Maranda into a hug and held her for what felt like ages he kissed her one last long kiss. "I love you Maranda."
"I love you two." Newt and Maranda walk back to the group hand in hand. Maranda walked up and pushed the button to open the doors. The Gladers who were not immune put the blue strips on there necks and everyone said there last long goodbyes. Thomas was the second to last goodbye and newt had to ask him a question .
" Thomas I'm needing to ask you for a favor. You have that gun in your bag right?"
"Yea but what..wait....Newt no!" "Tommy pls here me out I don't have much water left and no food I won't make it long pleas tommy pleas!" Thomas pulled his bag off his shoulders and pulled the gun out and handed it to newt. "Goodbye Newt!" Thomas said walking off not looking behind.
Maranda was the last one to say goodbye. They kissed and said goodbye and Maranda walked off disappearing behind the walls as they closed slowly.
As the Gladers were walking to the door of the building the sound of a gunshot filled the air newt was finally gone.
I hope you guys like the imagine I know it ended so sadly but if you guys liked it pleas comment down below😊

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