chapter 8

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"Hello?" Newt calls out into the blackness.
"Newt is that you?" Maranda said.
" Yea,where are we?"
"I don't know but what I do know is that its been hours since we've been out."
"Where are the others?"
"I don't....." All of a sudden the light in the room flickers on and two men walk in.
"Well, well what do we have here?"
" let us go." Newt said in a stern voice.
"What are you doing to us?" "They always ask the same questions... Who are we. ..what's do we want..... Why are you doing this. I'd rather skip the questions and you just tell me where you've came from? Or I guess you guys can stay down here for... I don't know.. Days?"
"We came from wicked. That's it that's all we know."
"I think you know more." The taller man said walking over closer to Maranda."
"No no that's it I swear!"
"I don't believe you." The man tipped the chair over that Maranda was sitting on and grabbed a knife pulling her hand straight out into the air.
"Stop...stop!!!!" Maranda yelled trying to pull her arm back.
"Quit moving." "That's all we know!!!!" Newt yelled at the man with the knife.
"So you escape from wicked that's it that's all you know... Why would you escape if you have no idea where your going. Jack would you leave with put a clue on where to go?"
"Not really I'd have some type of idea Caleb."
"We we."
"We what kid? Where are you headed?"
"Where headed to the right arm just across the mountains. They have a cure for the flair."
"They do.?"
"Yes they do and if you let us go you can come with."
"NEWT! No!"
"Maranda shh"
"Kid you better not be kidding around."
"Were not."
"So you won't mind if I take a look in these here bags then won't you?."
"You can't do that its mine!" Maranda said trying to stop the man from taking her bag.
"Well well what'd this?" The man said pulling out the clear cylinder with a blue strip in it.
"Put that back!" Newt yelled struggling to get put of his chair. "That's not yours!"
"It is now the man said slipping the tube into his pocket and walking put leaving newt and Maranda with the taller guy.
"Hey! Hey!" Newt said yelling at the guy who was almost 100% out of the room.
"Give us our stuff back now!"

[Finished] What About Love?(Newt Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن