chapter 6

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"You want us to get on there?" Newt said backing away from the window.
"Yea I thought I told you?" Maranda said getting everyone attached to the wire.
"You told me you had a way to the city not that we had to go on the most dangerous thing around. What if it breaks?"
"I've take this for many years trust me get buckled up and let's go before you know who finds out we have left the room."
"Good that!" The Gladers all got together in a group and gotten attached to the wire and started down the way. After a while of ridding it down the ways they arrived to a little shopping center. The sun was fully above the world when they had finally arrived.
" okay guys get covers for your face and anything else you think you might need while were here we have a long way with nothing close around for milles so pack up but pack lightly!" Maranda said grabbing a scarf and a flashlight. I'll be at the door when your ready." After about 40 min everyone was at the door ready to go so they all headed out of the building and out towards the mountains in front of the. ••••°7 hours of walking°••••
"Do you guys here that?" Newt said stopping looking around.
"Newt man I just think your tired and hungry keep walking!" Frypan said moving forward slowly.
"No No, I hear it to it sounds like , it sounds like music."
"Music?" Thomas and Teresa say at the same time.
"Yea its a thing you dance to." Maranda said sarcastically.
"We know what music is we aren't stupid." Teresa said putting her hands on her hips.
"You guys spread put till we find something." Newt said walking away from the group.
Everyone spaced out and started to look around on the ground.
"There's no buildings so the has to be a hatch somewhere." Thomas said moving around a pile of dirt on the ground.
"Thomas did you find something?" Maranda asked walking over to him.
"Yea I think its a handle, here help me open this.
Everyone walked over and helped open it. As it opened the music got louder and louder it was louder then standing beside a speaker and a blow horn.
"Should we check it out?" Minoh asked looking at everyone's faces.
"What could it hurt?" Maranda said smiling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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