Chapter 15: Green with Envy

Start from the beginning

Yui causally tilted her head and stared into her friend's eyes. "Yuma? As in Yuma Mukami? Where does he fit into this?

Reina bashfully looked away from her friend as she hesitated. "Y-Yuma told me that he lost his memory before he was turned into a vampire at the orphanage."

"I kind of knew that already. Ruki told me," Yui mumbled.

Reina scolded suspiciously at her friend. "Did Ruki also tell you that Yuma had a dream about his village burning down and Shu was also there at the scene of the crime?"

Yui jaw fell as she blinked her eyes. "S-surely you don't think that Shu did it? ...Do you?"

One again, Reina hesitated, "he wasn't exactly nice when I first met him Yui!" Reina reminded. "What if he was there and he doesn't want me to know?"

"Or maybe just maybe he has a reason for why he doesn't want to tell you," Yui snapped. Shu would never harm any of those village people. He had friends there that were like his family. How was he the cause of the fire?!"

Reina was dumbfounded by the fact that Yui knew more about Shu's past than she did. Her eyes watered to the break of tear. "How did you know? What do you know about any of this?!"

"Reina calm down," Yui pleaded in a soft tone.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I want to know!"

"Fine! Shu told me about the fire when we were searching for Kanato that day on the island. I don't know why he suddenly told me, but the village was like his second home," she explained.

"He told you before me, huh?" Reina questioned with a teardrop running down her cheek. "I see where my relationship stands with him."

Yui stood up and firmly gripped Reina's shoulder. "Let me explain, it's not what you think. The subject sort of came up in a conversation we were having."

Reina looked down at Yui's hand on her shoulder and tugged it away. "I know exactly what's going on Yui and I don't need you to explain that me. He obviously feels more comfortable with telling you about important events in his life.

"W-What! N-No! I -"

"Anyways, you should probably be heading back, school starts in forty-five minutes and you don't wanna be late." Reina didn't have the patients to hear anything else blonde had to say. She brushed pass her and walked down the grassy knoll carefully to avoid from falling. It wasn't because she was mad at Yui. It was only because she envied her friend's ability to open up the best out of people. That was one of the main reasons why they remained good friends. Overall, Shu was the blame for this. He should have told her from the start and she wouldn't have doubted him. There was no way she could face her tall handsome vampire now.

At School

Izumi strutted down the school's corridor earning whistles from some of her male peers in the hallway. She flipped her bluish hair over her shoulder and flashed a confident grin. Just because she acted self-assured in front of everybody else didn't exactly mean that she wasn't hurting inside because deep down she was. There were times when she wanted to cry during class and there were other times when she wanted to transfer out of night school and got during the day.

The break up between her and Kanato a few months ago pained her until this day. He won't even look at her the same way anymore. And every time she tried to confront him, he'd disappear or runaway. Did her words really wound him that much? Why did he despise her if he loved her? More importantly, when were they going to make amends? Izumi thought that avoiding each other was childish, but then she remembered that this was Kanato she was dealing with.

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