Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4

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Reiji walked out of sight with Subaru following closed behind him. They enter the room Reiji was staying in and shut the door.

"Now that we're alone, are you going to tell me everything that happened," Reiji asked with his arms crossed.

Subaru bobbed his head, "I met a ghost the other day."

Reiji cocked an eyebrow, "you meet a ghost, you say?"

"I know that sounds crazy, but I did and she's living on this island."

"I believe you," Reiji pointed out.

"You do," the white-headed vampire said with a surprise look.

"Indeed," Reiji said, pushing up his glasses. "Tell me, does this woman have seaweed green curly hair, big brown eyes and wears a white dress that's all torn up?"

"H-How did you know that?"

"Shu and I encountered the ghost twice before when we came to visit in our younger years. Of course my mother didn't believe that there was a ghost living on this island. So we kept it too ourselves. Every now and then Shu would play with the ghost while I watched from a far. I knew that something didn't seem right about the young woman and the atmosphere was gloomy every time she was around."

"I felt so too, but she played on an act like she wanted my help her find peace."

"Did she tell you that our father was her husband," asked Reiji.

Subaru nodded, "mhm, I'm afraid so."

"Many years ago I asked father about her. He did get marry, but she died before anybody could save her."

"How did she die," Subaru asked.

"Drowning, it was their first night here on their honeymoon," he replied.

"Figures, she told me something close enough to that."

Reiji sat on the chair with his cup of black tea in one hand, "She tormented my mother and told Shu that she'd replace her and we'd never have to obey anyone ever again. Shu gave into her lies that easily, tch that fool. I did everything in my power to try to stop her from killing our mother. After the second time, we never came back again."

"That explains why you and Shu never came back when Laito, Kanato, Ayato and I returned."

Reiji slipped his tea, "correct. I only came because I thought maybe she gave up and fated away. I guess was wrong."

"She's after me, because I look like our father. That's how this all started. Mayu saw her forcing a kiss on me and ran away. I went after her but she wouldn't hear me out. I chased her outside and we both got wet," Subaru explained.

Reiji sighed while massaging his temple, "it was a bad idea coming here. We may have to cut the trip short."

"Very much so, I'd never forgive myself if something happens to Mayu," Subaru balled up his fists tightly.

A knock came at the door seconds later. "Come in," Reiji answered.

Izumi stuck her head in the crack of the door, "I'm sorry for barging in on short noticed, but Kanato has been missing since yesterday afternoon."

Reiji and Subaru looked at each other confusedly before looking back at her,

"What do you mean?" Reiji asked.

"Where did he go?" Subaru added.

Izumi began to shed a tear, "We got into a huge fight yesterday and I said some horrible things to him. So he ran away from me and said that he never wanted to see me again. I searched everywhere inside the house," she choked out with a trembling bottom lip. "I can't find him anywhere."

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