Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Not to come off like a jerk but it's obvious that you're a ghost," Subaru added. "You wouldn't still be alive if you were stuck out here all those years. That explains why you flew straight through me."

"It seems that I am," she said sadly from the back of her throat. "I don't even remember dying. All I remember is walking on the beach, picking seashells for my husband."

"You have some unfinished business here if you're still moping around for all these years. Maybe it has something to do with my father," he concluded.

"Unfinished business, you say? Do you mean that I have to figure out whatever is keeping me here before I cross over to the other side?"

Subaru nodded, "Precisely yes."

"Then help me. I'd be most grateful if you did," she said with pleading eyes.

The lower-half of his mouth jarred open. The more he looked at her made him feel terrible. She was exceptionally beautiful and her breasts were one of the biggest racks he had ever seen. She put Mayu's rack to shame. How could he possibly have any secret desires about another man's wife, especially when he had a wonderful girlfriend of his own?

"Is something wrong," the young woman asked blankly.

Subaru turned his head away as he blushed. "It-It's nothing. By the way, what's your name?"

She flashed him a pleasant smile, "My name was Nanami Takahashi, but you can just call me Nanami. What about yours?"

"Subaru Sakamaki," he answered immediately. "And why the hell are you staring at me like that? It's annoying, stop it!"

Nanami lowered her head down sadly, "Sorry Subaru-kun. You just look so much like him. What about your brothers? Do they look anything like him?"

"Not the slightest. I'm the only that was cursed with his looks and my brother Reiji also has the same eyes as he does. Some of my brothers do have similar personality traits. My brother Laito does pick up some of his perverted ways and their styles are similar and Ayato wants to become the best at everything."

She gasped with her hands to her mouth, "by any chance are those people downstairs your relatives?"

"Yeah, enough with the questions now, I'm getting tired of explaining myself," he huffed tiredly.

"Then don't explain no more. I have more than enough information. I just really want closure; do you think that you can helpless young woman out with that?"

Subaru shrugged, "I don't know if I'd be any use to you. Plus I'm on vacation with my girlfriend. You'd just be taking up my time."

"Oh please, Subaru. I'm begging you! I promise that I stay out of sight when you're with your girlfriend. Just please help me."

"Fine," he spat. "Meet me here at the same time tomorrow."

Kanato and Izumi

That mid-afternoon a heavy storm clouded the island. Izumi looked out the window with the palm of her hand placed up against the glass. She could hear the relaxing sounds of rain against her windows, but the sound was violently replaced with a loud thundering sound that made her leap in the air and her heart jump. she grabbed her chest, feeling somewhat uneasy about this whole trip now.

Today was supposed to be a special day for her and Kanato. So far, the last 2 days weren't all that great. Due to the storm, she knew that they couldn't have their picnic today; on top of that she was still worried about Kyoyo, who was on bed rest for the next few days. Of course they all knew each other for only a short time, regardless of that Izumi felt closer to all the girls, they became her best friends.

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