Kyleigh was a newborn which meant she woke up and cried often. An hour didn't go by without her cries and I was so nervous I often jumped up myself just to make sure she was okay.

"I'll make time don't you worry."

I said taking another sip and typing on my laptops keyboard. Trey and I had gotten 15 minutes of peace before Kyleigh's cries started.

"She's up."

I said not allowing my eyes to break from the glowing screen on my lap.

"Work, I'll get her."

Minutes later Trey came in smiling from ear to ear with Kyleigh in his arms.

"Danni she's looking at me."

I almost broke my neck fumbling over my laptops power cord trying to get near to Trey. I walked over and stood behind his shoulder. And while I'm sure she couldn't see his features she was looking at him, she knew he was her dad. Her tiny lips formed into a smile and although she did it unknowingly, she had just made her father's day. I saw a tear fall from Trey's eye.

"I love you Kyleigh, Daddy loves you."

She looked at him still moving her little fingers. It was the moments like this that we had both looked forward too and now that they were happening we couldn't believe it.

Although Kyleigh was a blessing she was also another huge responsibility. Between school and her I was stressed, and Trey was often too tired when he came home from work to help me out. I was attempting to get some housework done by cleaning the kitchen and sorting laundry while both he and Kyleigh were asleep when my phone rang.

 I was attempting to get some housework done by cleaning the kitchen and sorting laundry while both he and Kyleigh were asleep when my phone rang

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I half whined into the receiver.

"Hey Danni it's Chris, everything okay?"

I sighed.

"Yeah it's cool, just a lot going on you know."

"True, you busy?"

"No, no. What's up."

"Well how's Kyleigh?"

"She is fine, and thankfully right now she and her father are asleep, I'm trying to get what little housework done I can before I start working on my papers."

"You've got a lot on your plate."

"Yeah a whole lot. But I'm making due, I mean my grades are still up so we're doing fine."

"Cool, that's good to hear."

"So what's up with you? How's music?"

"It's good, fine. Working on this demo tape and trying to get exposure."

"That's good."

"Well it's kind of the reason I was calling you. I mean I know you're busy with school and Kyleigh but I have a small show coming up and was wondering if you would come?"

Distance & Time Pt 2 to unthinkable Where stories live. Discover now