Everlasting Threat

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"I think I am able to ignore this one time, due to the circumstances."

Evin and Robb stared at each other for a while, their heights almost the same, though Robb was just that but taller. I tugged on Robb's arm, silently urging him to leave this conversation and move on.

"Are you heading to breakfast, Lord Follard?" I asked, not really caring about his answer.

"Unfortunately for you, I shall not be joining you today. I need to see to my men and shall eat with my bannermen in the camp. I bid you good day."

He finally walked away and Robb and I didn't move until he was out of our sight. Both of us breathed a sigh of relief, chuckling at each other's actions.

"I feel sorry for whoever has to marry him." I commented.

"I'll pray for their safety." Robb added.

As we entered the hall, we were right to assume that we would be the first ones there, until only a few seconds later did we hear bickering from the other side of the door; before either of us could comprehend who was approaching, the doors were opened and two little ladies walked in....well, one lady and her rebellious sister.

"Ayra, I don't care. Why won't you just leave me alone!?" Sansa snapped as they carried on the argument.

"Wowh, what is going on here?" Robb asked in a stern tone.

"She won't save me alone. All she ever does is go on about how she wants to train and she knows that it gets on my nerves."

I tried to lighten the mood."Will I ever catch you two together not arguing?"

Ayra sighed."But no one ever listens."

"Ayra, why don't you tell me all about it over breakfast? And I'm sure your brothers would listen."

"You could probably teach Bran a thing or two with his training." Robb smirked.

"You and Sansa just like different things."

The argument was soon finished and forgotten. Robb and I sat on either side of the table, opposite each other, whilst we both talked to a sister. I could tell Sansa desperately wanted a sister that liked the same things, though Ayra was still an important to her. And Ayra was just the same, and I could agree with some of her opinions on how women were treated. The rest of our families filed in, greeting us and each other. Out parents sat at the head of the table, siblings and their significant others sitting down beside us. Breakfast was served and it seemed as if it were to be a normal day.

But it wasn't going to be.

The doors burst open, a squire panting from running."My lords and ladies....I have urgent news."

"What is it?" Ned demanded.

"Lady Thaller has gone into labour and is requesting Lady Fierre."

I shot out of my seat as soon as my name was said, hearing some other footsteps along with mine. Picking up my skirts, I sprinted After the squire, hearing the screams getting louder as we approached. The door was opened for me but I knocked the servant out of the way and it slammed against the wall.

Charlotte was laid in her bed, kneed propped up with sweat glistening on her forehead, hair sticking down to it. Her screams made you want to cringe away but at the same time, want to help her. Kneeling by her side, I grabbed her hand, instantly feeling the pain as she squeezed it tightly; very tightly. Ignoring that, I concentrated on talking her through it, knowing that she was going through a lot more pain than I was.

"It's alright, Charlotte, I'm here now. You can do this!" I tried to motivate her, repeating the midwives instructions.

"I'VE NEVER BEEN IN SO MUCH PAIN!" she screamed.

"It's alright dear, it'll all be over soon." my mother suddenly appeared, taking her other hand.


Where the hell was her bastard husband!?

The baby was early. She still had a few more weeks before he was due. Maybe it wasn't down to anything and that the baby was just that, early. However, there could be many other reasons but I really hoped that it would not be the latter.

"Just a few more pushes, my lady, you are almost done." the midwife said, getting ready to grab the baby.

"This is it, Charlotte, your baby is here!" I weeped, getting excited and emotional myself.

Charlotte have one last push, her loudest scream erupting from her before the wails of a newborn followed. The baby was wrapped in cloths, cleaned, and then placed into Charlotte's arms. She too was crying, both from pain and joy.

"Congratualtions, Lady Thaller, you have a son." the midwife grinned.

Everyone was silent for a few seconds, except for the small noises coming from the new baby boy."He's so small." Charlotte whispered, gazing at his tiny hand gripping onto her pointer finger.

"He is quite early but with some nourishment down him, he shall be just as healthy as any other young lad." the midwife comforted us.

Charlotte held onto him for a while longer, and soon enough the men came in as well. Her husband finally held their son, and I could have sworn that I saw tears in his eyes. After everyone calmed down from the sudden panic, there were smiles all around.

"Bethan, you need to hold him." Charlotte was now sat up, and I sat with her. She passed him over to me, not waiting for my response.

It somehow felt natural to me. I cradled him gently, instantly smiling at his brown eyes looking back up at me.

"Why did I need to hold him?" I asked, even though I didn't want to let him go now.

"Because, your his godmother." she laughed at my shocked face."Which of course means, that Robb is the godfather."

Robb and I smiled at each other, feeling special that we were chosen for this. A new addition to this strange family. But as I looked up, I saw that the door was ajar, and some just had to ruin it.

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