Chapter 7

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Im so happy to you guys and the voters that is why i am dedicating seven ,chapter 7 to
***drum rolls***

@Lele43Ed .......
And my unknown lovely readers ....

We were eating some snacks in my room as we played some games ..

"I cannot stop thinking about Elijah, veronica
He is such a great guy he is kind he takes care of me ...

You know i kinda swiped my v card with him"she told me

"What do you mean kinda,?"i asked hoping she was joking or something ....

"I mean we have been fucking .....i mean totall hot sex"she whispered to me

If only she knew how each word was like an arrow shot through my heart .

But as a great friend i acted like one

"Aaaaaaah ....i cant believe this ...i really do not know what to say All that matters is that he loves you and he cares for you,"I told her

"So you have not yet told me what you think about Elijah apart from him being hot "she winked at me

Jealousy ran through me ...

"Uhhmmmm I think he is a great guy he likes you he is polite he does not at all even seem like a fuckboy "I said

"Aaaaw thanks girl i really depend on your opinion and support ,,,,,so tell me about this mystery guy vera?"she asked

"Not vera again kayla ,,,,.Anyway promise you will not tell mum about this and dad even though he is away in a work trip when he comes do not tell him"

"Yeah yeah yeah veronica i will not tell anyone" she said.

"Yeah there is a guy but the guy and I,it is just complicated there are a lot of secrets and barriers but there is an instant connection and spark ...we are meant to be know like the way they say it is written in the stars really is"i said while some traitorous tears flowed out of my eyes ...

"Hey veronica do not cry all this will just be cleared if it is meant to be it will happen and there should be no secrets in any relationships whatever the reason trust is the cornerstone"she told me.

We both hugged ,it had been really a long time since we saw each other.I felt the love once again




"You should answer it kayla"i said

"Hey babe "she answered ..

I continued hearing ...
" i thought you would not call ..yeaah im almost retiring to bed we just here talking ...hope you in bed...i miss you already kisses babe goodnight ....

.."goodnight veronica"

"Goodnight kayla"

So to my readers lovely ones im almost saying goodnight but not now exactly ...

Love you ....

MY BEST FRIENDS BOYFRIEND IS MY MATE(#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now