“You will, it’ll be the only way you’re getting to practice from now on.” He comments while running a hand through his hair, “Ah, ha!” he says in triumph while lifting a black skateboard high over his head. A skull and crossbones design is plastered along the bottom the board. I raise an eyebrow.

“Do I have to?” I whine pathetically as he walks over to me with a grin and presents the board.

“Of course.” He replies while taking hold of my wrist and dragging me outside onto the blacktop pavement.

“What if I fall?” I ask him in a panicky voice. I am terrified of pain. I do not want to do this. What if I embarrass myself? That will only give him another reason to tease me. We can’t have that.

“If you fall I’ll catch you.” He tells me smoothly and sets the board on the ground.

“What if you don’t catch me?” I ask, stalling.

“Then you fall, no big deal. It’s not even a long fall.” He says reassuringly.

I narrow my eyes while I look at the rough black surface in front of my feet. I gingerly place a foot on it and put a hand on Justin’s shoulder for support. He wraps his arm around my waist. I mentally scowl at that, but push it to the back of my mind.

“Now push off.” He orders.

I kick off the ground with my right foot and squeal, closing my eyes when the board lurches forward a few inches.

He laughs, “We didn’t go very far, Carrots. You have to push off harder.” He rolls his eyes.

I turn my head and scrunch my nose up at him, “I hate you.” I mutter.

“I’m aware.” He replies and nods at my foot.

I sigh and push off the ground again. I steady myself on Justin’s shoulder as I roll forward. I put my other arm out for balance and sway slightly. I feel the tiny gravel bits crunch under the wheels and the unevenness of the road make me rock. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding in and glance at Justin as I slow down to a stop.

“Now you kick off the ground, again.” He informs.

“I know that!” I hiss irritably.

“Well then, what are you waiting for?” He teases.

I huff and push off again, this time harder. He jogs to keep up as I push off the ground again, and then again. I take my hand off of his shoulder and continue on my own. I feel a grin tug at my lips. Hey, this is actually kind of fun! Justin still continues to jog along beside me. I begin to sway and he automatically reaches out to grab my hand and steady me, along with placing his other hand on the small of my back.

“Hey, you’re doing pretty good.” He smiles.

“I know! I must just be good at everything.” I say in between excited breaths of air.

He shakes his head as he jogs, his hair gelled hair falling slightly out of place.

“Aw Carrots, thank you. I knew you thought so.” He beams.

I take my eyes off the pavement and throw him a funny look.

“I was talking about me, stupid!” I tell him.

“I know, but it would be nice if you complimented me every once in a while.” He says with a raised eyebrow.

I return my gaze back to the pavement and snort.

“Compliment you, I don’t even like you!” I giggle and sway again when I run over a small piece of gravel. Justin squeezes my hand and pulls me back into place. He’s beginning to pant because of the jogging.

Love to Hate YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ