Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1

Start from the beginning

Ayato crunched his fist, "I should've known! Why wouldn't she? She friends with that jerk-face Ruki Mukami." He said gritting through his teeth.

Kanato blinked, "You know her? Do you think she distracted me to get my attention away from teddy?

Ayato shrugged, "Who knows, but we're about to find out."

"Find out what you two," came a voice. Kanato and Ayato whipped their head around coming face to face with Subaru.

"Subaru its only you. What do you want," Ayato asked.

Subaru narrowed his eyes at him, "I don't want anything. I was standing here into I heard you two talking and wanted to know what it was about," he explained.

"Teddy is missing, have you seen him," asked Kanato.

Subaru stood up straight placing his hands in his pockets, "No, I was in my room meditation."

"Then maybe you could help us. Kanato said that there was a girl here earlier name Izumi, do you know her?" Asked Ayato.

"Yes, she is apart of student council and one of Yui friends." Subaru replied.

"Indeed and she is also friends with Reiji-san...and Ruki Mukami. Isn't it strange how quickly this girl gets around at making friends." Ayato stated.

Subaru gazed with a sigh, "Okay, you lost me there."

"It means that there's something fishy about her!" Ayato shouted. "Don't you think that we should investigate and find out why she suddenly takes an interest in being friends with Yui and why she showed up at the house today?"

"Uh, why would we be investigating her," Subaru confusedly asked.

"Because she is up to something. She showed up out of nowhere and now Kanato is missing his teddy bear." Ayato explained.

Subaru shrugged, "You know...this isn't the first time that he lost that stupid bear of his."

"Hey! He is not just some stupid bear! Stop calling him that," Kanato snapped.

Subaru waved him off, "Yeah, yeah, have fun looking for your stuffed plaything."

"You aren't going to help us," Ayato asked. "You don't know who this girl true identity could truly be."

"You're right, I don't...and I don't really care." Subaru confessed. "Besides, she's a good friend to Yui and I don't want to take that away from her."

Ayato jealousy switch turned on, "When did you start caring about Yui and her feelings? When did you start caring about anything that going on? So what Laito said was do have eyes for my breastless? If so, then I challenge you to a duel!"

Subaru eyes nearly popped out of the socket, "Where the hell did all that come from? I was merely explaining that I don't want to metal in any of your nonsense. And for the record, I got my eyes on someone else." He crossed his arms to his chest.

"Is that so," asked a voice from behind Subaru. It was Laito and he was curious. "So tell us Subaru-chan, who is the lucky lady? It better not be my love-kitten."

"Tch, what are you babbling about? Like I would be interested in anything you like, you're sick" Subaru grumbled.

"Tsk-tsk, now come on Subaru. We all know that's a lie. You along with the rest of us took an interest in Bitch-chan. Now I will ask you again, who is she," Laito demanded calmly.

Subaru hissed, "You bug! Since your suddenly so interest to know about my love affairs, it's Mayu." He admitted.

"I see, she would've been my first choice if my heart didn't belong to love-kitten." Laito told him.

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