Chapter 59

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(Authors note: plzs exuse the foul language used in this chapter thanks and be sure to read the authors note at the bottom thanks :D)

Chapter 59: chill Harry

Harry's POV

"I-I-I" I didn't know what to say. Everyone's attention on me just put me under pressure, like I'm getting ready to take a test I'm going to fail. I can't take it anymore. I need some air.

I ran out of the restaurant and across the street to my car and hopped in. I needed some time to think to myself. Do I really like Cedes like I like Cameron? I need some advice. I'm going to call Louis.

As soon as Lou picked up the phone, he sounded disstressed.

"Hazza, is that you? I have a problem." A problem?

"Go on." I instructed him.

"Look I've never told you this before, but I have a twin brother. He's just like me but a little more American and has glasses. He's visiting from California."

"And this is a problem because..."

"Because he's everything that I'm not. He's totally charismatic, smart, and athletic."

"Lou, I thought you said he was just like you."

"Not personality wise."

"Um, okay."

"If you're not too busy, can you please come over?" I thought about this for a second before I answered.

Louis' POV

I hope Hazza gets here quick. I can't stand my brother. Sure he's polite and a good guy, it's just...well...I'm jealous. Yeah, that's right, I'm jealous of my twin brother.

Right now, I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Harry to arrive. My brother is sitting in the recliner at the side of the room fumbling with his hands.

" have you been?" He asked me in his American accent.

"I've been well." I answered plainly. Minutes passed before he asked me another question.

"Do you have anyone special in your life? I mean, with your good looks, you can get anyone." He said with a chuckle at the end.

"I'm actually seeing this amazing girl right now. Her name's Meghan." I answered with a smile on my face. Whenever I thought of her, I always grinned like an idiot.

"How about you? Got your eye on anyone?" I asked my brother.

"Believe it or not, I don't. None of the girls back in Cali interest me. Lots of them are stuck up and boney in LA where I live. Don't get me wrong, they're pretty. They're just not relationship worthy." He answered.

"I know what you mean. When the lads and I performed there, none of them caught my eye either. And I'm glad, too. I wouldn't have Meghan if I stuck with one of those Cali girls." As soon as I finished, the front door swung open and Harry rushed inside and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Paps?" I asked him. He shook his head "yes" with an exhausted look on his face.

"Just so you know, if you broke that door and Cedes finds out, I'm not taking the blame." I teased him.

"Who's this and who's Cedes?" My brother asked. He got up out of the recliner and walked over to the couch and stood next to me.

"Oh, well, this is Harry. Harry, meet Gabe, my brother." They shook hands and exchanged hellos.

"So, who's Cedes?" He asked again.

"Me." We heard a girlish voice say. We turned around and saw Cedes leaning on the doorframe to the kitchen with her arms crossed.

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