Chapter 54

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Be happy

Everyone was finishing packing, when Niall saw Cameron outside just looking up at the sky. What Niall really noticed was something she had in her hand. It was a folded piece of paper, tightly gripped in Cameron's hands. Niall walked out of the cabin, having stayed behind to finish packing. The other boys were some where saying goodbye to fans as he would be with them in a bit. There was no one around, you could feel the quiet in the area where the cabins of the boys and girls had stayed.

Niall walked up to Cameron and said, "Whatcha doing, just staring up at the sky?" Cameron gave a tender smile at Niall as she looked back up.

She said, "Have you ever wondered what's beyond all that blue sky? Where we really go after we die?" She looked back down, giving Niall a gentle stare.

Niall simply said, "I think we go to a better place. I, myself would like to live as long as I can but I do understand that its not always a wonderful life for some people. They just wish to be invisible and go through life with no happiness because its hard, I get that. I know life's hard but no one said it was easy, nothings easy otherwise everyone would do it. That's what friends and family are for, to help us get through things and feel loved." Cameron smiled as she listened to Niall's beautiful words, not thinking he would be so open to this.

Cameron said, "You are a very wise and wonderful person. I'm happy you and Kate are together, you really are a cute and loving couple. She deserves happiness and I think you give her just that."Niall blushed, "Oh wow Cameron, you're really nice. You deserve someone who makes you happy too and I think Har-"Before Niall could finish, Cameron stopped Niall from saying his name immediately.

She shook her head, "I agree, I deserve happiness but I think he does too. I know he wants something different though, someone different. Who am I to stand in the way of someone's happiness. I've never cared about someone as much as I care about him, and I want him to be happy but if its not with me, that's ok."

Niall grabbed Cameron's hand immediately, shaking his head in disagreement, "No, Cameron what are you saying? Harry loves you and only you, please believe me."

I couldn't stand there and let Niall think I believed him, "Niall. I heard Harry talking to Cedes. He likes her. I cant keep him from his true love. I don't wanna be that person standing in his way."

Niall watched as Cameron looked away, brushing tears that trickled down her cheeks away before he saw. He pulled her in and gave her a warm hug, the best hug anyone can give someone that needs one in those saddest moments. She sobbed quietly.

Closing her eyes and speaking into his shoulder, "I'm used to this type of feeling, this life wasn't made for me, I don't know where I belong anymore. I don't wanna be someone's second choice, I wanna be someone's one and only."

Niall gently ran his fingers down her hair, soothing hums under his breathe, "Harry doesn't know what he's missing out on, you're such a wonderful girl. Cedes is great but you caught his eye, he always talks about you and the way you laugh, smile, talk. He loves everything about you, I think you should talk to him before you do anything."

Cameron backed away and handed Niall the letter she had been holding the whole time, "No. I've made up my mind, can you give him that for me, I rather stay away from him from now on." Niall took the letter and watched as Cameron went inside the cabin. She walked to her bed and turned to find Niall standing at the entrance of the cabin.

He bent down and laid the letter and another letter on the mat outside the screen door. There was a red ribbon on the second letter, made into a bow. Niall walked away to meet up with the others, he yelled back towards her, "Think about it."

Cameron walked out on to the porch and picked up the letters, one was hers and the other was from Harry. She walked back inside the cabin, tearing open Harry's letter to her. She read with a heavy heart and couldn't believe her eyes.

Written by Total_deniall for my really good friend Kat... you're welcome.

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