13│Not A Racy Lessie│

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Hi everyone! Finally, chapter 13!! I'm getting more and more into this! Seems like tears are about to fall in the end of this story as I finish this! So much feels I poured! I hope you guys felt the same! - Love, C.S

Lessie leaned her back to the wall. She sighed—releasing her deepest displeasure. She can only saw herself in a smile while she was dealing with her patients.

            It was all of her dream to cure sickness, giving hope and make them smile again as they felt at ease—even though when they only saw her face.

            She was losing a moral lately. She's been in a hazy sight. It was almost as she was blinded. She was reminded about Morgen yesterday. When he was getting himself ready for his chemotherapy—she was losing her idea how this whole time she was complaining—she was giving him hope.

            She was like losing mind and it felt odd to shake herself off from Morgen just like that. Obviously, she knew that she did this just under her hatred towards Declan.

            She was holding her cup in haze—gazing towards the television without even focusing on the show. "Doctor," one of the nurses she was not familiar with—greeted her as she responded with a nod and a smile.

            As she went back to the television—she found an appealing show that caught her eyes. It was a woman—maybe in her late thirty's—talking about mental and awareness of soul more than physics.

            "Willing, is the key to everything. People just forgot how you could do well with willingness. But, for some reasons—people forgot how physics worked with your mental," she was talking her heart out—explaining how her methods thought.

            "So, what do you think about people who was fighting cancer right now?" the host asked—making the topic even more interesting.

            "For people who fight cancer right now was a strong ones," her statement made Lessie curved her lips—drawing a smile on her face. "But, we all know about that quote, right?" she muttered.

            "I think we need to give a message—some kind of notice we need to occupied more to people around the fighter," Lessie furrowed her brows—a bit confused on her statement.

            "Sometimes, people around them was selfish—just want that person to be okay—acting like miracle is going to happen for a night as they went through their treatment,"

            "So, your point is?" Lessie whispered in a boggle—curling her forehead—looking disagree.

            "But, they forgot is to treat them as a human being. As a normal person they used to," that words. The words that stabbed her right on her heart—bleeding to the ground as her conscious shook her.

            "Sometimes, treating them like they're fine was the right thing to do for the fighter. You still take care of that person like a sick person—but, at the same time you treat them like a normal person."

            Lessie grabbed an empty chair near her as she sat her bum to it and started to listen it carefully while everyone witnessed her oddly as she made a lot of sound while she grabbed the chair.

            "We knew that the fighter wished to be healed—but, sacrifices and time was needed. It's not a short one. But, if you look closer—what they always want was to be like they used to be,"

            "To feel awake and enjoying things like they used to like. If you can just do that—they will never felt worry about the treatment anymore,"

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