4│Tomorrow, The Fair Lady Spoiled│

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This is a very long chapter! I just love it more if I don't need to split them into two part, so I hope you guys like long chapter! Enjoy!

First thing in the morning, sun was always there. Right there—bothered him to sleep and perhaps—a sign that told him he made the fortune right in his skin as he's awake—alive.

The phone was ringing loud—thinking he might crush it in one second—still, he took the line anyway.

"What?" he blurted out his word out of nowhere—not thinking further more, who might be on the phone. Oh, Declan was the king of England as a metaphor. So, any who got on his contact was under his feet.

"Hello?" A lady with a shaggy voice showed up as his eyes glowered—yeah, except an unknown number. He never thought about that.

"Who's this?" he quipped.

"I am Kathy... I was wondering if you are up this hour and—"

"Here I am, speaking to you," he blabbered in sarcasm while he open the fridge that he might forgot it was not a familiar one—since, he was staying in a hotel.

Wandering around the fridge—he found a note right on the door as he twitched his nose—reading the little writing that says, Mr. Smith just called, you'll be staying for a while about the kid. I'll be going on my own –Rupert.

He took off the note as he heard Kathy was talking that he might never record it right. Kathy might realize because in another half minute, he murmured, "That fucking bastard. Leaving with my helicopter."

"Mr. Fredmorey?"

"Oh, yeah... sorry, got a little distracted. What were you saying?" he muttered casually while his hands clenched—causing the note was a rubbish' mate and threw it perfectly to the trash bin.

He can hear her breathing loud—maybe, she was pissed off by the long nagged she just did. And, not to mention—he never even got a word.

"Just... come to the North Devon's District Hospital. Morgen was taken care there right now—you might want to talk to him about the agreement."

Kathy now seems a little cynical than before. She might popped her nerves—dealing with a man like Declan.

"Oh, right," he put his hand right on his hip as he took a glance on the newspaper Rupert brought that put on the table.

"I'll ring a bell when I got there." He quickly just put off the line—causing Kathy gasped as she looked zonked under her skin.

He took a second right on the headline news—first page, might as well said, the main news of the day—giving the article about his winning just a few days ago.

"My life was okay right that moment," he whispered in horror. "Now? Can this get any worse?"

He threw the newspaper across the room—with a lunatic mind he might just choked himself to death—but, changed his mind in a second and instantly walked towards the newspaper and put it back perfectly right on the first place.


Lessie's mind just can't take off from her brain. She just can't let go how Morgen's condition somehow never gotten any better since yesterday.

Maybe she was an idiot at first—thinking, Morgen will never realize how he just lost his parents right at the same time.

She sighed—letting her bitter feeling away. Gander around—trying to convince Morgen to just look at her or even drink just a little.

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