8│Before We Stay│

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Hello, everyone! I know, I know, it's been 2 days I haven't upload the next chapter. But, here it is! I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to comment and vote! I appreciate every comment and vote you give to me! Cheers!

- Love, C.S

"I like walking, you know," Morgen's feet was trying to reach the floor—making it seems like it was a deep water as he tried not to fall to the ground.

            "Hm, yeah?" Declan was being grumpy for the past hours. His helicopter is not coming and it was Rupert's fault. He may accept it if it was his own fault. Well, maybe if he just never came, that would be better—he thought.

            "Yeah, I mean—I never got a chance to walk. They said I'll fall—but, I think I'm doing great," he praised himself with a pout—watching the floor's reflection.

            "Yeah, you're doing good," he muttered in a rush while he tried to wait for Rupert's call to get respond—but, it was just a useless action. "Rupert, for fuck sake," he whispered on his breath.

            Just a second after—the line connected to voice mail that made Declan hissed in pain and ended the call immediately. "Arse," he cursed softly.

            Both of them are waiting for their train—sending them back home with a lot of equipment on Declan's hand—leaving him zonked. I mean, he's not going to tell Morgen to help since his condition led him to just stay on his feet.

            People started to watch Declan—which made him quite uncomfortable. He used to love the fame—but, not this time. Morgen was on his side and that made kind of a big question—for example, 'who's that little boy beside him?' he's just not ready to tell everyone that.

            "People are looking at us," Morgen whispered as his lips got closer to him that made Declan's head backed away from his reflect.

            He gander through his surrounding and found lots of people trying to take his picture—and, some of them were kind of shy to take a picture with him. Just keep that shy thing going, please—he thought.

            The train came just in time and Declan's gesture went wild—picking all the baggage on his hand as Morgen put his feet on the ground and standing beside Declan without his command.

            "Come on," he engaged as he went straight to the train and tried to look for their seat number. Declan was as afraid as a little girl got caught—playing with the rain.

            He bought two seats in front of him so no one would ever sit there. Both of them seated their bum as for another minute—finally, the train was ready to leave.

            It was night at that time. England was that one gloomy country—so, the night was pretty cold for a fall season. Morgen was sitting in front of Declan with his red beanie—covered his bald head.

            Declan checked on his phone—trying to curse out Rupert—but, he realized how awful and unnecessary it was. So, he killed his mind—trying to find another things to do beside cursing Rupert.

            He looked at Morgen that faced the window—looking at the view with dazed eyes that somehow brought colors to his eyes.

            Declan slowly turned his head to the window and looked at the beautiful scenery as that made them crawled in silent.

            "Why do you agree anyway?" Declan finally pour him with his curiosity for the past hours that Morgen decided to come with him to London. "Why you want to move out with me? You barely even know me," Declan murmured.

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