In Which Drills Come In Handy

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You were instructed to quickly retreat to the tunnels that ran beneath the palace with the kid's, two guardsmen, and a women who knew the way. In doing so, you found the entire castle was in a panicked state of emergency. This made you worry even more than what you had thought was necessary. Before heading down, Noctis met up with the group at the tunnel entrance, smiling as if his kingdom wasn't under attack. For the kids you thought . You watched as he engulfed both kids in a hug and gave them both a kiss on the forehead, quickly reassuring them that things would be fine and telling them that 'daddy has to go fight the bad guys'. It was a short and sweet 'I'll see you later', but then he turned to you.

"I'll be out fighting for a while [name]. You better be cheering me on." He said holding his hand up for a high-five. You smiled and met his hand in the air. He, however, held your hand for a moment and brought it down between both of you. "I'll see you later."


"Yes. I promise." he confirmed, pulling his hand away first. You watched as he ran off with Gladiolus and a couple of foot soldiers into an armored aircraft. But you only stayed so long as you were soon rushed underground by one of the guardsmen.

You and the children weaved down the long passageways guided by the women dressed in a black cloak and followed by the two guards who wore onyx iron armor. Everything seemed to black in Insomnia, you noticed. Then quickly, a thought occurred to you.

"Excuse me Miss. May I know your name?" You inquired the woman, who chose to completely ignore you and keep going. This made you bite the inside of your bottom lip (which the immediately regretted doing due to a misstep in your slightly elevated boots you chose to wore today). Pausing in your tracks, you held firm ground as you stared at the ladies back.

"I don't like being ignored." You pouted like a child. You could here the woman click her tongue in pure vexation as she too paused. You tapped your foot and waited for a reply.

She turned around and smiled under her cloak that hid her eyes. Lifting the hood over her head revealed the figure to be none other than the short haired Iris, whose smile seemed more innocent now. Giggling, she apologized and claimed she didn't hear you. It was your turn to click your tongue as you avoided her eye contact.

"Sorry 'bout that! You ready to continue now Miss. [Name]?"

You narrowed your eyes at her and nodded, very displeased that Noctis would leave you with her of any other person in Lucis.


It had been a while since Noctis had seen blood. It triggered memories of the grisly war that Lucis had fought. The ones that he thought wouldn't plague his mind any longer. Now he realized just how deep those cruel scenes were rooted in his mind. His only fear is that they would only continue to grow from there. Luckily, he was strong minded and didn't let it effect his battle performance for longer than was necessary.

"Your highness, their numbers are dwindling down and a medical crew has arrived to heal the wounded and clean up the bodies." A soldier stated, standing tall and straight as he saluted to Noctis. He expressed his appreciation of hearing the status of things and turned to look at a bit of the damage in the area.

"Capture one of the soldiers and bring him in for questioning." He ordered. The soldier bowed and marched off to carry out the task. I sighed finally being alone as alone as he could be allowed. Ignis leaned against a wall nearby and waited for what was left of the unit to disperse as Noct was. Once they did, he chose to speak.

"Should I contact Iris?" He asked. Noctis nodded, choosing to save his words. He watched as Ignis pulled out a phone and pressed one number. Holding it to his ear, he spoke clearly as he told Iris that extra precautions were not necessary anymore and that they may resurface. Noctis smiled to himself deep in thought.

"Don't think so much about it Noct." came another, deeper, voice. Gladiolus put his hand down on Noctis's shoulder a little too hard and caused the smaller man to lurch forward, successfully pulling him back to reality. It wasn't that he was worried, he simply was already planning what he was going to say in response to the councils endless bickering. But he was also thinking of his children and how eager he was to reunite with them. He may have overestimated the breach, but it was better to be safe then sorry.

"Noct, your transportation is ready." Ignis informed, adjusting his glasses as he glanced towards the male.


"Your highness, is there any explanation as to why there was a breach in West Insomnia?" One of the council members questioned. Twelve of us sat at a far-reaching table made of a marble material. Noctis sat at the head with six members sitting on each side. Usually they would debate and discuss among themselves while Noctis either approved or disapproved any changes. But right now everyone was panicking and demanding answers.

"I'm not sure. I didn't feel any disturbances when I was maintaining the barrier." He replied. Immediately the backlash of eleven voices came barreling towards the migraine in his head. Each asking a million questions and sounding like a disrupted chicken coop.

"We can only assume they found a weak point!"
"What if they developed a new weapon?"
"What are we to do? We're sitting ducks now!"

"King Regis would've never--"

"My Father isn't here right now!" Noctis had stood and slammed his hand down onto the table, demanding the attention of all the bickering politicians. The wave of anger that pooled inside him had suddenly broke free and flowed out of his mouth like a rough course river. He sighed at the resulting silence and sat back down, rubbing his temples as a coping mechanism for the increasing headache.

"I understand that we are in danger and I will investigate the matter. For now, I need the Councils help in assessing the damage and calculating costs for the repair. Everything else will be put on hold. That includes the engagement deadline being set back." Everyone looked at each other and nodded. From the corner of his vision, he saw the disapproving eyes of Cor Leonis.

"Cor, I'm going to need you to double the amount of guards standing watch along the barrier. I would also like a scout in the sky if it is possible." Cor nodded and stood.

"And what of the prisoner?"

"I will interrogate come morning." Everyone seemed satisfied with his decisions. So he decided it was best to end the meeting there and finally get out of there.

"Then I conclude this meeting on that note."


Alrighty then. Another chapter out! I somehow feel this did not come out the way I imagined. I tried to get this out as fast as i could and it feels a little rushed to me. Feedback is much appreciated please and thank you!
Btw recently, the song Ignition remix by R Kelly keeps on popping up in my head and when I go listen to it, I immediately think of Noctis and myself doing dirty things to that song ;)
I'm also like in love with Iris Amicitia. Like what a babe. She is so beautiful omf like 10/10 waifu.

Song: Euryt Village

Final Fantasy XII

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