In Which We Establish Difference In Accents

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Some screenshots and a small intro involving the other Noctis story I've been working on at the end ;)

Noctis had you, Gladiolus, and Ignis present when interrogating the prisoner that had been  detained. He was stripped of any kind of weapon and chained to the metal table that seemed welded to the ground of the square room (however that was done). The space was void of any windows, being lit only by the artificial lighting of a light bulb attached to the ceiling. Across from the man sat Noctis who had his arms crossed as he studied the behavior of the man in front of him. You stood behind Noct while Ignis and Gladio took to either side of his shoulders, crossing their arms and thinking about any questions that they needed the answer to. Instead of Noctis breaking the silence, the unknown man spoke up with his voice having a hoarse tint. What you quickly learned though, is that his voice didn't identify him as an older male but a younger man.

"Don't bother with your questions you bloody chav(1)." You were surprised as he had the same accent Ignis struggled to forget. He must've came from the same region as him since it was evident on everyone but his that we didn't understand a damn thing he said. Noctis turned to give Ignis a look and he nodded, seeming to speak through their minds.

"That's no way to speak to royalty, poxy(2)."

"You sound like you're used to slums and manky(3) things like me mate." Ignis seemed a little insulted, but the man wasn't wrong. It wasn't the nicest were he was born (you being born a couple years later in Lucis, only heard stories). You managed to put a hand on your brothers shoulder, trying to calm him down just a bit. He looked at you and gave a faint smile. Now you wanted to speak.

"Sadly, I don't know anything about your home. So excuse my wording yeah? But to me it seems you have a bit of a bone to pick, let that be with Lucians as a whole or just the Hierarchy."

" And what would a scrubber(4) like you know of my grudges?"

"Just a statement. But maybe it be best if you told us a couple things."

"I ain't telling you squat." You sighed and gave your best smile. He really was irritating you to the core though. You got the same feeling from everyone in the room as well. Since it seemed they weren't getting anywhere, Noctis had him sent back to his cell. The young man smirked and laughed, seeming already crazy in a way. Before he was escorted, he said one more thing.

"Your consort mate, everything will go all to pot(5). You mark my words your highness"


Sveinn and Svana chased each other throughout the vastness that was the Greenhouse. The area was filled with beautiful flowers and bushes making one feel like they were in an exotic location rather than a silent city. Both children's laughs replaced the silent atmosphere and brought another key feeling of peace to both yourself and Noctis who sat near a centered strip of water. Sitting on white wired chairs that matched the small table where cups of tea remained, you both discussed some matters but also checked in on each other. One always seemed to tuck their worries for the other away until it was most appropriate to voice them.

"So, how are you coping with this all? Is living in the palace okay for you [name]?" Noctis asked. This was only one of his many questions and you could tell almost immediately.

"I'm fine Noct. The only thing that bothers me the slightest is that Iris is here often." You said playfully. You both were fully aware of your past quarrels with the short haired girl but it only seemed childish to you now.

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