In Which Prompto Ruins Story Time

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It had been a long hard day for both me and Noctis. I decided to teach him a bit in case i wasn't available, and it's worse then i thought. I walked into the play room carrying Svana and ready to send Noctis to take a bath with both the boys when i saw just how dirty and broken the room became after i left. All the furniture was pushed out of the way and somewhat safe from the wrestling, but feathers scattered and fell all around the room. And not to my amusement may I add. Noctis held Sveinn over his shoulder and Rome hooked under his arm, and began spinning around with both boys' giggles and laughter echoing loud in the castle.

"Daddy no fair! I wanna spin too!" Svana protested, catching the attention of her father who soon crossed eyes with me and my vexed gaze. Noctis laughed nervously and put both kids down. Much to their protest.

"Ahaha...Maybe next time princess.. Boys how about that bath?" They both looked at him and Sveinn stuck his tongue out while Roman ran past me an out the door.

"Roman! Sveinn! Get back here!" He shouted before picking up Sveinn and running after Roman.


All came quiet quickly. The bringer: a tired Noctis who had taken on the speed of three children in a game of tag before the inevitable bedtime. Now he handed the children off to you as he went to go complete a couple last minute things and prepare for the next day. With Sveinn and Roman sharing a bed and Svana in her respected one, I shifted through the small library in the Twins' room for a requested story. Sighing as I picked out Sveinn's favorite story including Princesses and Knights.

"They're once was a princess named Aerith who lived in a big White Castle. As beautiful and peaceful as her kingdom was, there was still a gloomy threat that hung above the Kingdom. This threat was the Great Dragon Genesis!" All the kids took a deep and exaggerated inhale despite having heard the story before. Still they listened intently and gasped where it was needed.

"Aerith was afraid of her kingdom and its people. So she sent out her best Knight-"

"Prompto! Who slay the dragon and saved Princess (y/n) with the price of a kiss and a night alone!" Came a voice raised about three notches too loud for bedtime. Annoying as it was, the children loved it and instantly sat up awakened and alert.

"Dad!"shouted Roman as he got up and hurried towards his father, much to my pure discontent with Prompto. Soon the twins came and pleaded for attention from their 'Uncle Prompto'.

"Hey! How're my little trolls? You've all gotten so big since I last seen you"

"That tends to happen when heading to a completely different continent and claiming it's a 'mission'" i said placing air quotes where needed and speaking with the complete fluency of Sarcasm. I plucked little Roman out of his arms and the boy immediately reached out to Prompto again. I sighed and placed him in the bed. "It's bedtime now so I think it best that you leave" He looked at me with a little twinkle in his eye and immediately complied.

"C'mon trolls time for bed!" He said with haste as he brought both twins to their bed. "You need to grow big and strong! Sleep well okay? Me and auntie have some unfinished business to attend to so stay in bed."

"Wait wha-" you were unable to protest as he grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you out into the hall, closing the door behind you and immediately pushing you gently to lean against the nearby wall and look up at him. "Prompto move, now."

"Oh i love the way you say my name when your mad (Y/N)~"

"Idiot, move now."

"So feisty. I always loved that about you ya know?" He attempted at a kiss on the cheek but i moved my head away and glared with all my body. "Still mad at me for my little slip up (y/n)?"

"Prompto we were engaged and with child!" I began raising my voice but quickly lowered it. "If not for me then for Roman. Leave us alone." He looked extremely cross for the first time. He was a lot of things but i had never seen him get angry.

"You're taking me out of my sons life then (y/n)? How about we go and ask Roman who he wants to be with huh? Or maybe get the royal court involved?" Your eyes widened and you got extremely aware of how severe the situation could be.

''Don't take that child away from me Prompto...he's all i have. You can see him or whatever just please don't take him from me or get the court involved"

"I won't, but under one condition."


"I wan't him to come with me to Accordo to make up for the years i missed out on."


If anyone would like to make a cover for this story, i would greatly appreciate it. Also the story with Aerith and Genesis and (What was supposed to be) Zack is just there and not at all the events that happen in Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core for those who haven't played it. Highly suggest you play that game though. BTW I do love Prompto and yes he is my little blond child so i'm sorry about how he's portrayed. Picture looks like Roman minus the clothes and Roman is a lot younger. picture is of Hinata from the Fire Emblem Fates games

Song: Main Theme/Cloud's Theme

Final Fantasy VII

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