In Which We Have A Problem (And Not In Houston)

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I'm gonna be trying a new style of writing. I think this is how I should write and when I read other stories written in this point of view I notice the chapters are longer and of overall better quality. Thanks to albeestar for inspiring me to start in this format (Senpai love your stories ;) and _saccharin for supporting me (I love you and your stories senpai <3) Now lets Begin!

It was a big change, one that brought both relief and a lot of time to yourself. Now that the twins were deemed old enough to start training with Gladiolus by their father, you were given two hours to yourself. During the first thirty minutes you found yourself becoming an extra hand for the rest of the servants. But that only lasted so long as there was not much to be done in the morning. This left you bored, something you haven't been in a while. Laying in your room and staring at the ceiling could only do so much for you, so you decided to talk to the King and hopefully find some sort of way to occupy your mind.

The walk to his room seemed to take forever to you. It was a big palace he lived in, with all sorts of dead ends and empty rooms at standby. You wouldn't be surprised if the walls were made out of cold secrets with a foundation of dark experiences. That's all that seemed to be made up of the Caelum line history, from what you learned from Noct and the late Regis. But you noticed that along the cimmerian walls leading to the King's room, were many beautiful paintings. All of which showed rich history. Stopping at the most recent one, you examined it closely. A feeling of grief washing over you at the painting of Regis standing tall and proud as he was most of his life. With a battalion (of what seemed like) angels behind his unwavering sword, he seemed to be doing away with the blood the Niflhiem soldiers were shedding. You didn't notice the tears until it was too late and another voice crept up on you.

"I hate that painting." Noctis said, standing next to you. "If there is a way to depict father, he wouldn't want it this way." Noctis smiled sadly, tucking his hands into the pockets of his black cardigan shorts. "I tried to tell the artist that, but I decided not to push the matter and have them pour the feelings of the people into the painting."

"It's beautiful either way." you replied. " Do you miss him?" you chose to inquire, battling an internal war of not knowing which questions were appropriate or not. Even though he was your childhood friend, he was also your king and you were a denizen of his kingdom.

"Of course I do. He was my father. My only regret is not listening to enough of the wisdom he had to share." He said smiling at you. "But that's alright, I know he's watching over me and the people. He'll guide us through these times. I like to think so anyway."

"Yeah. But you're King now." you said wiping away you tears and turning to fully face Noctis. "So, how did the council meeting go?"

He looked away and then back at you.

"I'll tell you about it in my room."


Now you understood exactly what type of world was on his shoulders. Though you thought Noct was a kind and amazing person, his subjects did not. He explained that there is supposed to be a mutual trust between a king and his people (as Regis had told him). The people do not trust him.

"Keep the barrier up with my own magic and make sure the people are safe. That was my first order of business after the inauguration."

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