I was unnerved by the feeling of being watched and turned my head to where he sat, only to discover that he was already watching me. 

"Aish!" I whisper-yelled, suddenly startled at the eye contact and turned my gaze back to the sky. 

He let out a low laugh before wrapping his fingers around more blades of grass and pulling them out as well. 

I turned back to him just in time to see him push his bangs out of the way of his gorgeous face. 

He had a headband on but his hair had grown out so much that it still managed to get into his eyes sometime. 

"I'm not cutting my hair.." he muttered, as if reading my thoughts. I just shrugged and closed my eyes, my head still turned his way. 

I could hear more people talking as they got closer to where we were, and my body stiffened when one voice in particular stood out. 

"What is that freak doing with my V?" Tuai questioned her friend, not even bothering to make her voice any quieter. 

I opened my eyes again to look at Taehyung but he was already facing them, putting his hands on the ground behind him and pushing up to stand. 

He walked towards her, "Hey, sexy lady.." he murmured to her before pulling her into his arms and kissing her flat on the mouth. 

I gasped as I felt my skin burn again, not able to move from the position I was in, not able to take my eyes off of them. 

Tuai's eyes opened as their kiss ended and she glanced over at me, "Into watching much?" she spat, glaring at me. 

I was still burning when he turned to look at me as well, his hand snaking around her waist and I could tell he was lowering it to grab her ass. 

My eyelids fluttered closed and a few tears rolled down my cheeks as the burning intensified. 

My ears suddenly felt like they were being filled with water as I stood to grab my bag. I knew someone was talking to me, but the fluid blocking my ear canal wouldn't allow me to fully process what they were saying. 

Someone grabbed the back of my shirt and jerked me around; I jumped at the sight of Lua staring at me with her hands up. 

Her eyes suddenly went sad and she placed her hands on my cheeks before yanking them back to her sides, "Holy shit, you're burning up!" she screeched (the lungs on this one, seriously!), placing her hands on my forehead and my neck next. 

My vision clouded with more unshed tears at the painful sensation of her skin against mine and she apologized quickly, using the notebook she held between her thighs to fan me. 

"Is she okay?" a deep voice interrupted as Lua turned to him. Taehyung glanced at me and creases formed between his eyebrows as he was watching my face. 

"She will be, get away from us." Lua demanded, a fierce fire brewing in the depths of her bronze gaze, jerking her hand towards where Tuai stood. 

"Wouldn't want to keep your bitch waiting." Taehyung visibly flinched and he turned his head to look at his girlfriend and her group of friends that had began to gather around her, "What did you just call me?" Tuai yelled, preparing to march towards us until one of her friends grabbed her wrist. 

"Yuki is in pain, please don't make it worse!" the younger girl yelled. 

"Baby don't-" Taehyung started saying, but stopped as the small girl huffed and folded her arms across her chest. 

This obviously infuriated Tuai, who reached her hand back and slapped the smaller female with much more force than necessary. 

The three of us in unison gasped at her. This has gone too far. I slung my bag down once more and felt myself burning in an entirely different way than normal. 

My eyes sizzled in their sockets as they locked onto the blood-thirsty feline who was grinning proudly at the sobbing friend she once had. 

I grabbed her arm and slung her to face me, "Wha-" she began, but I cut her off by slapping her across her face with as much force as I could muster. 

She instantly fell to the side, looking up at me while holding her cheek, "Y-You bitch! I'll get you for that!" I crouched down to her level, narrowing my eyes. 

I tried with every once of will I had to push my voice through my throat and out of my mouth, "Hurt anyone ever again, and I promise that you will no longer have the ability to lift your precious hands." 

My voice sounded venomous, surprising even me, even though it hurt like hell to utter such a long sentence. 

Everyone surrounding us gasped, murmuring to each other about how they didn't know I could talk. 

I stood to my full height and turned to look at Taehyung, managing to speak even more as I decided I had kept myself quiet for too long. 

"Pick her up, and stay the hell away from me."

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