
I slowly started army crawling towards well I was trying to , I don't really know where I was crawling to but I knew I had to at least get kidnapped trying to escape. Suddenly my arms stopped moving, my whole body stopped. As my eyelids started getting heavy  I felt arms snake around my waist, igniting sparks everywhere. I was gently lifted off the ground and my left side was crushed into a warm hard surface.

I swear I'm going to get back at him for this.

That was my last thought as my head went lax.




"GET THE FUCK UP!" I cried out as Grandfather kicked me in my side no doubt breaking a limb. I curled up in a ball and covered my head as he continued to kick me. What did he expect I just got kicked in the chest and now he's kicking me in my side!?

He sighed and ran a hand over his wrinkly and pale skin. "You know what Maisie?"

"What-" I never got to finish as he punched me in the face when I lifted my head up.

I opened my eyes wide and started gasping for air but was being cut off by a rag? Or was it a sock? All I know is it better be clean or I will loose my shit. I looked around as I tried to pull my hands out of the back of me but they were tied very tightly may I add. As I looked around it was dark, you couldn't see anything. I was probably in the back of a van the vibrations coming from the bottom and the lack of sunlight so basically was a kidnapper van.


I tucked my knees to my chest

It was getting hot really fast I could tell by the trail of sweat coming down real slowly in the back of my neck. I leaned my head to my left shoulder attempting to wipe the sweat off, I sighed but was then muffled by a rag or a sock tied around my head. I tried to stand up but my ankle immediately gave out, I cried out in pain. My breathing ragged and my heart beating out of my chest. And suddenly the van stopped moving. My body was sent flying to the front of the van, my left cheek slamming against the cold hard surface then sliding down until my whole left side was leaning on the hard surface of the van, making sure there was no pressure what so ever.

I closed my eyes as the back of the van was being opened. I heard movement but I couldn't dare myself to open my eyes, the van lightly shook as I'm guessing my captor climbed in. I pushed myself father into the van side as hard as I could as I felt the captors warm body heat. His hands were rough as they lightly grasped my chin making me turn my head. I swallowed and slowly opened my eyes, I squinted my eyes because of the harsh light coming from the back of the van. My eyes quickly adjusted to the scene around me the van was muddy and dirty my clothes no longer clean and fresh, I looked up and study the strangers face. He seemed to flinch once I connected my eyes with his most likely because of my grey eyes. His eyes were a dark green long lashes framed his defined cheekbones. His eyes hold this unknown emotion as he swallowed and ran his hand threw his untamed light brown hair. He muttered under his breath as he turned his body around I caught something under the lines of 'never changed' and 'still beautiful'.

He turned back around and studied me for a moment he sighed and grabbed something from his back pocket and pulled it out in front of him. Great another rag. He muttered a sorry and covered it over my eyes gently and tied it sound my head. He softly grabbed my left forearm and pulled me to my feet. But once he grabbed my arm a shiver ran down my body,

Have I met him before?

I lightly shook my head and bent forward and slowly started walking out with my eyes covered and my hands tied, my burning ankle long forgotten. He stopped walking but I didn't of course, suddenly my feet were no longer on a hard surface. I lightly screamed expecting to hit the ground any minutes but a warm arm blocked my chest stopping me from falling forward pulling me back. Another had grabbed my forearm and pulled gently making me lightly move forward and into a warm chest.

Why is everything so warm?

But as I collided with the warm chest sparks ignited as my cheek touched his chest. Grayson?

He grabbed onto my shoulders and pushed me backwards standing up full height. And he grabbed my right forearm and started waking forward. As we were walking I started hearing whispers,

"She's back!" Someone shouted.

Who's back? It can't be me....can it?

As we walked further more gasps and shouts were getting louder, someone even cradled my face in there hands and kissed my cheek. We walked a little further and my boots connected with something hard making me almost trip and fall on my face. "Stairs Maisie. It's stairs" Grayson whispered in my ear, I nodded and picked up my feet and started walking up the stairs. Once we reached the top someone lightly knocked, a couple seconds later the door opened and someone immediately cried out. And rushed towards me pulling the rag or whatever it is off my eyes. I tried to take a step back but I couldn't because if the hold Grayson had on my forearm. My eyes widened as the rag was taken off my eyes and mouth, everyone in he room was staring at me with there mouths covered. A beautiful woman with long brown hair and dark brown eyes came up to me and cradled my face, her hands were soft and warm. I scrunched my eyebrows up in confusion and lightly shook my head out of her soft hands and took a step back. She lightly gasped and placed both hands on her chest she was immediately pulled back into a tall slightly old man with jet black hair and gray eyes she hugged him and softy cried into his chest.

He looked up at me with his grey eyes and a small sad smile was on his lips. I turned my head and looked at Grayson, and whispered into his ear "Why am I here?" He turned me around and untied my hands and took them into his hands and lightly rubbed at the red marks set on my skin. He stopped and looked at me then shook his head. I only nodded and looked around, everyone in the room was still staring at me. As I was about to say something a loud howl sounded in he air, everyone got up in a flash and scrambled out of the room Grayson grabbed my arms and started pulling me up stairs,

"Wait, where the hell are we going? What's going on?" I asked.

He continued to drag me up the long staircase my boots hitting the spotless tiled floor. He pulled me into a room and set me onto the huge soft bed. I'm guessing this is his room, the walls were a light grey and his dressers and stands were a dark mahogany color set around the room. He kneeled down and pulled a medium sized case out from under his bed and popped it open. In the case was knives lots of knives and a couple of handguns, he pulled out a little blade and tossed it into my lap. He pulled out two more knives and a pistol, he stuck the pistol in the back of his waistband and stuck a knife into his boot and set the knife into the dresser that was next to the bed then kneeled down in front of me placing his hands on my knees making the sparks erupt.

"Stay in here ok? No matter what don't open the door for anybody but me alright?" He asked looking into my eyes with seriousness. "Can you tell me what at least is going on?" I replied. A big boom sounded making me jump he lightly growled and turned his head towards the door and stood up and said one word that made me even more confused.

"Rogues." He said As he grabbed his gun from his back of his pants and cocked his gun.


So next chapter is going to be pretty action packed....

What's a werewolf story without a little rogues problems lol ;)

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