5 - The Incident

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After finding Jack, and escaping the hotel, they left for the restaurant, where they met up with Bob, Wade, Molly and Mandy. They enjoyed their meal, talking, laughing, sharing dishes with each other, overall it was a great time. Once their meal was done and paid for, they all went out into the crisp night air, to head back to the hotel. Mark and Jack led the group down the sidewalk talking with the others as they slowly made their way back. When they got to the hotel, they were on the other side of the street, the sun had already set, and the street lights were ablaze to light their way. Jack was laughing at something Bob had said as he stepped down from the curb, he looked both ways, and not seeing any threat of traffic, started to walk out into the street.

Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion for Mark. He looked up just in time to see a car pull out of parking spot haphazardly and began barreling towards Jack. Panic set in immediately, and he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if Jack didn't move NOW he'd be hit by the vehicle that was gaining speed far too quickly to be safe. Jack was the only one not paying attention as he had turned to look back at Bob, still laughing. He looked up into the headlights just as they were a few feet away from him.

Before he could even really think of what he was doing, Mark stepped out and reached as fast as possible and grabbed Jack by the back of his shirt yanking the man backwards with all his strength, while also grabbing him by the arm as soon as it was in reach, to get a firmer grip on Jack to ensure he got him out of harms way fast enough.

It was just enough to ensure the gamer's safety, as the car sped past very nearly taking him out. Jack ended up falling into Mark's arms as they fell backwards, and he hit the pavement on his ass as he took Mark down with him. Once the incident was over, time for Mark went back to normal and everyone in the group was shocked at what just happened.

"What the fuck?" was Jack's response.

"Did you see that?" was someone else's.

Wade ran out into the road to try to get a license number, while Bob was already on his phone calling the police.

Mark, who practically had Jack in his lap, hugged him tight, as his breathing was fast, and his eyes shut tight. All he could think was, It almost happened, he almost died. I could have lost him forever. He was furious, and scared at the same time.

Wade helped them both up off the ground, angry that he couldn't get the license information. He did however take note of the make and model of the car though, so they had that at least. Bob put his phone away as Mark and Jack brushed loose gravel off.

"The police will be here in a few minuets," he said with an angry expression. Mark had seen Bob upset before, but nothing like this.

After making sure Jack was physically okay, they crossed over to the hotel, taking special care to make sure the road was clear. Once they got in, Bob went straight to the desk and requested a conference room for them to meet the police in after as he briefly explained what happened. They were taken to a medium size room that was just down from the front desk area.

The room had a window that looked out into the parking lot, a long table in the middle surrounded by office chairs, and a couple posters of unknown paintings adorned the walls opposite of each other. Jack sat down in the chair closest to the door, and he appeared to be in shock. Mark sat down in the next chair over, and moved it to be as close to his friend as possible. He placed on hand on Jack's shoulder, and held his friend's hand with his other. Jack had yet to say anything else, and this worried him a lot. The man's appearance was so different from no more than half an hour ago. He was ash white, his eyes were wide as he kinda stared off into space, and worst, he wasn't smiling at all. He just sat there, looking lost. Mark wanted nothing more than to pull him into his arms, and hold him, so that he would know he was safe and everything was going to be alright. Mandy and Molly followed behind them, and tried to talk to the Irishman, but he looked briefly at them, gave them a small forced smile, before he went back to staring straight ahead again. Bob and Wade were just inside the door talking about the incident while they waited for the police to show up.

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