☾Chapter 40

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I tuck Paris in my bed. The poor thing couldn't keep her eyes open, it's been a long trip. Her window is getting fixed, and Dad is making sure to tighten the security in Neverland.

"Close your eyes, try to get a good sleep," I say. "Nothing bad will ever happen to you again, I promise."

I let her take my bed to sleep on as I take the floor, making myself comfortable on it.

"Allison?" Paris gently says.

"Yes Paris?"

"Thank you." Her little hand reaches down and flops off the side of the bed. I take it and reach up to kiss her cheek.

"You're welcome," I say, "I love you."

"I wuv you more."

I smile. Just like her daddy.

I walk downstairs with Paris to eat something a few hours after we wake up. It was the craziest sleeping schedule both of us had after the crazy night/morning we've had.

"You know," Dad begins, rubbing Lisa's stomach, "I'm thinkin' we should adopt some children. It's my dream."

"Aww, of course, we definitely should."

Dad's smile grows big. "Really?"

"Yes," she kisses his cheek, "really. You know I love raising kids with you."

He smiles. "You know I was also going to mention how maybe Prince and Paris should start wearing masks to school to hide their identity," he says.

"Masks?" Lisa asks in surprise.

"Well yeah. I mean, you saw what they did to Allison in school. And besides, Paris got kidnapped for goodness sakes, which has always been my worst nightmare for any of our children. I want our children from now on to live a normal life out in the world, away from the press."

"I think it's a good idea," I agree.

"Lisa?" Dad asks, confirming.

She doesn't say anything, instead she begins shifting around in her seat, feeling uncomfortable.

"Lisa, what's wrong?" Dad asks in concern.

"I..." she looks down at a little puddle of water on the floor. "My water broke."


THIRD update! Today i've been in a good mood because of all your comments, and so iv'e decided to do not one, not two, but three updates in a row. I love making you happy. more to come very soon, i love you all :)

the moment i saw you cry ☾ michael jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now