☾Chapter 38

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I remember it all so clearly. The day I went home with Michael was the day I started calling him Daddy. The scene replays in my mind over and over again. He was the giant who lifted me up in the air and spun my small twelve year old body around.

"We did it babygirl, I get to take you home now!" Michael cheers excitedly as he lifts me up in the air and spins me around, giving me a kiss on my cheek.

It was a lot of work, but we did it – HE did it. And I couldn't be happier than I am now.

He cuddles me tightly and rubs my chin. "No more pain, no more. You're all mine now, and I promise you Allison, I will love you more than anything else in this world, because I do."

"I love you too Michael," I say with a giggle from being so happy.

"I love you more. But now, you don't have to call me Michael. I'm your Daddy."

I smile from ear to ear and say, "I love you, Daddy."

"Oh I love you," he cuddles me again, placing kisses everywhere on my face, "Boy, do I."

I open my eyes slowly. There's a gas mask on my face, there are sirens blaring, I feel my jean cuff being rolled up to my knee and a gauge wrapping around it, wires being pressed into my wrist, and a cloth placed upon my head. I have no memory of what happened since the fall. I try sitting up, then feeling the gas mask being taken off my face.

"Allison? How do you feel? Are you responsive?" I hear a man call.

I blink away the blurriness and my eyes sting of tiredness. "Y-Yeah, I'm...I'm here." I remove the cloth from my head and sit up.

"Here, drink some water." A paramedic hands me a water bottle and I take it, sucking the water out of it as hard as possible; I didn't realize how thirsty I was.

Then, I remember something. "Where's Paris? Amanda?" I ask frantically, looking around.

"They're alright, they're just being taken into care for a few cuts and bruises," she replies. "But you? You were a little bit more beaten up after that fall. I'll go make sure your friend and sister are alright."

I sit up, noticing my jacket is off, pulling the wires off my wrists. I pick my jacket up and look over at a cop car and see Kyle being thrown into it. Busted out of jail, huh? Not this time, hopefully.

I smile remembering everything that's happened, still worried about what's going to happen to me when I get home. Will Dad and Lisa be angry with me? The thought of it is beginning to make me feel anxious.

"Ally!" Paris yells excitedly, running up to me. I jump off the stretcher and bend down to hug her. She's not looking too bad, although her forehead has a Band-Aid on it, and a couple places patched up on her arm.

"I'm so glad you're safe," I tell her.

"Me too," she says.

"Where's Amanda?" Right after I ask, Amanda comes up from behind Paris.

"I knew we'd make it out of there," she says, her forehead and lip also patched up, "Ally, it was crazy, you went absolutely tumbling down. I called the cops immediately – I mean, I would've earlier, but I wasn't getting any reception – but oh my God, you just like dodged a huge bullet."

I smile. "I guess I did," I say.

"Besides, beating Kyle with a log was the coolest thing I've seen you do," she adds.

I chuckle, remembering how good it felt.

A swarm of reporters suddenly approach us, cameras in our face and flashing pictures.

"Allison Jackson everybody, Michael Jackson's daughter got into a freak accident! Looks like after Michael's youngest one Paris was kidnapped, it caused a fury over the Jackson family household," a woman news reporter says, speaking into a microphone looking at the camera.

"Allison, how do you feel?" she asks, pointing the microphone in my direction.

I gulp, feeling nervous. "I..."

"Leave her alone," Amanda says. "She just survived almost getting killed! What the hell is wrong with you people?"

I smirk. You tell those dumb press.

"Okay guys pack it up, move alone," the policeman says, shooing them away.

I sigh. "Guess this'll be on the news everywhere."

"Don't worry too much about it. My mom's probably gonna be super mad," she says, sighing.

"It's alright, I'll give you girls a ride back," a police officer says, motioning us to get in a police car.

We all hop in, and Paris immediately collapses in my arms. I caress her little cheeks, feeling myself getting tired again as I lay my head up against the window and close my eyes. 


first update...

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