☾Chapter 4

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Well, this is the most boring time of my life. Well sure I'm at Beverly Hills, But the strange thing is, Kyle never said that my uncle Peter will be there too. I don't want to spend time alone with Kyle anyway, but having uncle Peter there too makes matters worse.

Right now I'm standing at the lights, waiting for the green walk sign to appear before Kyle, uncle Peter, and I could cross...I'm listening to the two argue about something.

"I'm just telling you that I don't like the way you do it!" yells Kyle.

"So do it wrong then. I know my way around spanking a child," uncle Peter casually says.

"Pft, you don't even have any children."

"Don't need 'em. In fact, Allison and I had a really fun time today when you were at Nick's. Didn't we sweetheart?" uncle Peter winks at me.

I look up at him, feeling scared about yesterday and what he might have in it for me later. I don't answer him. Right about then the light changes and Kyle and uncle Peter walk off.

I stray off behind them, not feeling the need to catch up to them any further. Just to listen to them speaking about child abuse right in front of me? No, thanks. I've gotten enough of it and I don't want to hear it either. God, I wish I could tell somebody, but I know the consequences from that.

I don't even realize I'm in the middle of the road when suddenly I hear a loud car honking at me. It's coming closer and closer and closer, when I then just manage to run and roll over on my side on the sidewalk, just making it before I get hit.

"Ouch!" I yell, wincing in pain as I hold my left knee. I must've scraped my knee pretty badly as there's now a big rip on the knee part of my jeans, now starting to bleed a little. I cry.

The car brakes halt to a stop loudly, and I see a man getting out. He's wearing a black turban with a veil over his face and dark, over-sized sunglasses. He's also wearing a long sleeve black silk shirt, jeans and tennis shoes, the only parts visible were his hands. I immediately shielded my face and screamed, "Please, don't hurt me." The tears becoming bigger this time.

"Oh dear lord no, I'll never hurt you. I'm sorry I-I didn't see you," says the man.

I slowly look up again and gulp. He seems tall, and scary because of what he's wearing. He bends down to me and I back away a little bit.

"Sweetheart it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." He reaches his hand out to me and I reluctantly take it, still shaken up by the fall. He helps me up and examines my bloody knee. "Oh boy, we need to clean that up," he says.

He looks over my shoulder trying to find somebody, although Kyle and uncle Peter are no where in sight. It's quiet out here tonight and there aren't many people around. The only thing I can hear is the wind breezing lightly and the sound of the cars going by.

"Where's your family?" he asks concerned.

I shrug my shoulders.

"What's your name?"

I gulp. "Allison," I answer.

He lifts his veil up and takes his turban and sunglasses off, letting his dark hair flow out a little. I take one look at his face and I'm in shock.

"M-Mi-Michael...J-Jackson?" I ask in disbelief.

He smiles and chuckles a little. "Yes, it's me. Allison, who did you come here with?"

I gulp. "My dad and uncle. I don't know where they are now-"

Just then, Kyle comes out of no where and grabs my neck from behind. "Allison, we're leaving. Apparently you forgot the rule about walking off on me!" He tightens his grip on my neck.

"What's the rule Allison!?"

I yelp because of the pain on my neck, and my eyes begin watering again.

I sniff and shakily begin, "The-"

"Stop! Let go of her neck!" Michael yells suddenly and firmly removes Kyle's hand away from me. "Is this is how you treat a child? If so, then what the hell is wrong with you?"

Kyle laughs. "You haven't even seen the half of it. Now run along pop star, I've got business to tend to which ain't your business!"

Kyle grabs my short hair and slaps my face. I scream and run behind Michael.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Michael yells.

Uncle Peter snickers. "Why this little brat-"

Suddenly, sirens are blaring from down the street and a two police cars are pulling over to the side of the road. Michael quickly puts his disguise back on.

A man and a woman police officer get out of the car. "Kyle Fitzgerald?" the man asks.

Kyle clears his throat in nervousness. "Tha-That'll be me."

"Is there a problem officers?" asks uncle Peter.

"You Peter Fitzgerald?" the woman officer asks.

Uncle Peter nods his head.

Both officers take handcuffs out and cuff Kyle's and uncle Peter's hands.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing!?" Kyle frantically asks.

"You're both under arrest for illegal possession of cocaine, stealing, and assault," says the woman officer. "We've been getting calls from concerned adults about a little girl screaming all the time." She drags Kyle harshly by the handcuffs to the cops car.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights?" the man officer states.

"Of course I can afford an attorney," spits uncle Peter. "Who do you think I am?"

"Motherfucking shit," Kyle mutters under his breath.

I watch with my mouth open as Kyle and uncle Peter are taken away into another police car. I can't believe what just happened. I had no idea Kyle stole things, I also had no idea he did drugs. As for abusing me? Well, I sure feel relieved that someone heard me. That's probably why he had a rule about screaming, as he didn't want people hearing me yell for help. Well that didn't exactly go according to his plan.

"Allison..." Michael whispers, welcoming me into his warm hug.

I don't know what to feel. I'm relieved, but I'm also terrified. What's going to happen to me now? I stare up at the two officers with my eyes bulging out.

"You," a man police officer points at me, "unfortunately, because of the possibility of your father facing years in jail, and your mother deceased, we may need to put you in an...orphanage."


"No, please," Michael says. We all snap our heads in his direction. "I can't–I mean, please. There has to be something else."

"Well what do you suggest, sir? Unless someone adopts her, that's the only other way she can be kept with a guardian...a safe one, too."

"Then I'll adopt her!" Michael removes the veil, turban and sunglasses again.

The officers exchange looks and the woman clears her throat. "In that case, she can be yours. We'll need to go through a whole process though. You understand that, right?" she says.

My life is changing drastically in such a short amount of time. Michael's willing to adopt me? I can't even begin to believe it. This man whom I've been idolizing for basically my whole life just might be my new father. What?

"Oh yes," says Michael, looking down at me. "And I'm ready for it." 


Next chapter coming soon :)

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