☾Chapter 36

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I had no other choice but to catch a train instead. I rest my head back on the window on the train, trying my hardest not to fall asleep. I don't even know what time it is, but I have to finish what I need to do if it means finding my sister. I pull my hoodie down over my eyes so that no one will recognise me, but enough to see the floor, at least.

The train comes to my stop and I get up, waiting for the doors to open. I walk out when they do, getting out of the station as quickly as possible – there are freaks around this time of night.

I may not remember many directions, but I remember enough to know that my old house was always close to the train station – it's where I made all of my visits to Jasie's house as often as I was allowed to go there which was rarely ever.

I reach Hunter street – the place where the nightmare that I used to call my life started. I walk along the street, looking for my old house that was positioned at the end of the road in it's own little corner. I'm guessing it was good for Kyle to torture me in. I walk around the whole street at least three times, looking carefully for it, but not seeing it out here at all.

"That's strange," I whisper to myself. Surely it's dark out here, but I know my old house when I see it. Suddenly, I trip over a big boxy thing in the dark, causing me to fall flat on my stomach on the grass.

"Oww," I whisper-yell. I get up and look down at the thing I tripped over. Just a stupid broken mailbox. I stop and stare at the number on it for a moment, looking closely as it has the number 41 on it; my old number. Wait a minute...

I turn around and there stands my old, small house, looking burnt out to the core. It's still standing, but it's turned completely black, dead ashes across the lawn, top half of the balcony gone, the glass of the windows gone, only thing left are the frames. No wonder it took me a while to spot it.

I gasp and cover my mouth. "Holy shit," I softly say.

I turn around and see headlights from a car coming closer. I walk up to the road, holding my thumb up. The car slows down and an old man rolls down the window. "Can I help you?" he asks, a hint of a southern accent in his voice.

"You know anything about that house?" I ask, pointing back at the house.

"Oh I remember that house..." he says, staring up at it.

"So, you know the guy who lived here before?"

"Well, no. I just recently moved into the neighbourhood. Apparently I heard people talkin' that he broke out of jail, then accidentally setting his house on fire from God knows what, took his car and headed down south a few miles from here and he's been hiding away in a hut ever since."

"And you didn't even call the cops!?" I raise my voice.

"Well excuse me young lady, but I happen to be in and out of chemotherapy every other week. I don't exactly have the time to spare to deal with the problems of other people's craziness."

"I'm...I'm sorry, about that," I said.

"Yer' forgiven," he says, popping a toothpick into his mouth.

I gently sigh. "Look, here's the deal, my little sister has been kidnapped and I have a feeling it was by him...he was my father," I mumble the last part. "And I need to get her back, please, help me."

He's silent for a moment and then says, "Get in." 


Did you guys get the last part of the other chapter? When i first published it it got cut off, but basically Allison jumped out of the window and called her friend to borrow her mum's car. Hope you got to read that part, and sorry if it was a bit long.

the moment i saw you cry ☾ michael jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now