☾Chapter 34

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I help Dad set the table at dinnertime, avoiding his gaze.

He sighs and places a napkin on the table, to which I harshly set a fork and knife down on top of it.

Prince looks up at us from Lisa's lap on the sofa with wondering eyes, having no clue what's going on, as Paris just occupies herself, brushing out her doll's hair. I honestly have no idea what's going on either, but I'm not in a good mood.

"Alright that's it, are you going to keep ignoring me or are you going to say something?" Dad finally says, throwing his arms up in the air.

"There's nothing to say," I said calmly, taking a seat in the chair once the table's set.

"I don't understand where your attitude is coming from young lady, but you better fix it immediately!" he raises his voice.

"What "attitude" exactly, Dad? What did I do now, huh?"

"That's not a nice way to talk to your father, Allison," says Lisa.

I turn around and say, "Who said I was being nice?"

Dad takes a deep breath in and exhales slowly. "Listen, we are all going to sit down for dinner – shut up – and eat our food," he says, trying to calm himself down.

He serves the plates of macaroni and cheese, without saying a word. Everyone just sits down and begins eating; it's going to be a quiet dinner, that's for sure.

I sit on my bed and brush my hair, getting ready to go to sleep, when I then hear Dad knocking on my door and saying, "Ally, please open up."

I don't respond as I just put my hairbrush back down, getting in the covers and shutting the light off.

When the glow from underneath the door disappears, I hear him sigh. "Please let Daddy in," he says sweetly.

Funny he said "daddy." I stopped calling him that when I turned fifteen, because I felt too old to call him that anymore. He only uses it when he's trying to apologise to me about something, or to make me feel bad for him. But honestly, sometimes I miss it.

"Ally..." he calls.

I roll my eyes and decide to let him in, annoyed at myself for not being able to tell him "no" sometimes.

I open the door and wait for him to say something.

"Listen, can I talk to you?" he asks.

"Hmm, well depends, are you going to yell and punish me some more?"

He looks down and sighs. "Please Princess, let your daddy in."

I soften my facial expression, remembering the nickname he used to call me. After I got into more trouble, he started calling me "Rebel" instead of "Princess." I felt so bad and out of place with my behavior. I miss being his princess as well.

"Fine," I say, walking away as he follows me inside.

"Ally, I just wanted to say that I don't wanna blame you for anything that happens, but sometimes – sometimes – you need to control your rebel urges, you know?"

I hang my head down.

"And, I get it, you're growing up, but could you maybe grow up a little bit slower please?"

I chuckle.

"I just miss the sweet little girl-"

"But that's the thing Dad, you don't get it! You always tell me that you "miss the sweet little girl" you once had, well I'm here to tell you, it's still me."

"You know I'm only trying to protect you from danger because of the media and the press, and besides that, I just don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"I get it, Daddy, I get it."

He looks up at me and smiles. "You called me Daddy."

"I miss it sometimes."

He goes in for a hug and I hug him back, softly saying to him, "I'm sorry Daddy. I'm sorry about the Bentley, the property, everything..."

"No," he pulls away to look up at me, "no sweetheart, I couldn't give a damn about the Bentley. I'm just glad that you and your friends didn't get hurt."


"Well," he says after a while, "goodnight Ally." He kisses my forehead and goes to leave.

I stop him and say, "Wait, Daddy?"

He turns around and smiles. "Yes, Princess?"

"Could you tuck me in please?"

"Of course."

He walks over to the bed and helps me in the covers, tucking me in nice and warm. "Do you remember that prayer we used to say?" he asks.

I nod my head. "I remember," I say, smiling.

He puts my hands together and does the same, then begins the prayer, as we speak together, "Angels bless and angles keep, angles guard me while I sleep. Bless my heart and bless my home, bless my spirit as I roam. Guide and guard me through the night, and wake me with the morning's light. Amen."

"I love you so much, Daddy," I say.

"I love you more Allison," he responds. 


Please follow me if you aren't already. more to come. much L O V E and sweet moments, mixed with a lot a drama ;D

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