☾Chapter 35

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WARNING: Graphic chapter, explicit detail. Kind of long, too. Enjoy :)

I toss and turn in the dark, unable to control the flashbacks of the times that I was raped which I still have nightmares about. I'm not perfect, I'm damaged, and I try my hardest to lead on with my life, but the memories are edged in my brain, making it impossible to forget and nearly impossible to stop thinking about.

"Oh yeah," uncle Peter moans, slowly pressing himself down onto me. Laying on my stomach, he smooths my hair and kisses my upper back. "Allison, Allison, Allison," he whispers as my face is being squashed into the pillow repeatedly.

I try to scream but his hand is covered around my mouth strongly, leaving my screams muffled.

"Shh, shh, you know you want this," he whispers right in my ear.

"You know, you look beautiful in that lingerie. I do give good gifts, don't I?" He says with a smirk.

I try elbowing him off of me, but his weight on me is too much. Tears are streaming down my face now, and the more I struggle, the more he presses himself into me, leaving me to cry out in pain.

"If you don't wanna be something substantial with me, then why do you leave me wanting more? I know you want it," he says.

I kick and pinch him, biting his arm, feeling angry at this point, trying everything, but nothing is working. "Wow there cowgirl – actually, that's a really good position."

He lifts me up and places me on top of his lap, which I then find the opportunity to punch him in the face as hard as I can. "OUCH, FUCK!" he screams, holding his eye.

I quickly grab my clothes from the floor as fast as I can, and run out of the house screaming, "HELP, SOMEONE, PLEASE-"


I jump up and clutch my chest, breathing heavily. It was just a nightmare...just a nightmare.

But that crash sure sounded real. Sure, my nightmares are very vivid, but I can tell the difference between the two. I sit up and listen carefully, hearing more noise coming from another room, followed by a really loud, little scream.

I run out of my room, looking left and right down the hallway. I see glass shattered on the floor on the far left side of the hallway, along with a rock.

I walk up to it and examine it; there's a sticky-note attached to the rock. I slowly pick it up, my hands shaking, and the note reads:



I look into Paris' room, directly opposite where the rock was smashed out the window from, rushing in and looking around; she's gone. The window is smashed to pieces, curtains breezing around in the wind.

"PARIS!" I scream, looking out the window, but only seeing an old car quickly drive away.

My whole body starts shaking.

No, please no. Not Paris.

I walk out and scream down the hallway, "DAD! LISA!"

They instantly rush out, Dad frantically asking, "Allison? What happened?"

"Paris is gone!" I yell.

"What? Gone where?" Lisa asks in panic.

"I don't know, but I saw a car back-out of the driveway and this note attached to the rock somebody broke the window with!" I hold up the note and Dad and Lisa read it, covering their mouths with their hand.

the moment i saw you cry ☾ michael jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now