Love Like Scarlette - Unfinished Apple

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Sorry, this chapter might be crappy. I'm not feeling well AT ALL. But, yeah I lived. 

Picture of the side is Jack :)

Fan,comment,vote,read, ENJOY

XOXO Adrian



It was ten minutes before class so I went to the cafe to eat breakfast. After eating, I eagerly stood up, ready to go.

But I guess fate had it in for me today.

Third Person POV

The homeroom class teacher of classroom A3 was quietly checking the attendance, when she was interrupted by the sound of the door of the room opening in a not so quiet way.

Everyone was shocked and surprised to see the principal over by the door, grabbing something or someone, obviously irritated. He tugged, and kept tugging. The students tried to look at the person who caused the principal’s discomfort and rage.

With one last drag, he finally got the person to go inside.

Everyone gasped, some just stared wide-eyed. It was the new girl, the supposed ‘badass’. Scarlette. She had her arms across her chest and she rolled her eyes.

The teacher smiled, “Yes sir?”

“I believe that this girl is in your homeroom, but I found her in the cafe this morning, obviously trying to cut classes.” He said giving Scarlette a dirty look

“I just dropped by to eat breakfast! Which by the way was an apple! A SINGLE FREAKING APPLE!” She exclaimed, flailing her arms in pure frustration

Some guys in the class snickered at this, while the teacher cleared her throat in attempt to stop the fight. After succeeding to get both of their attention, she convinced him that she would punish her later on, but they needed to continue with their HR class.

Flushed at the sudden realization (that he was disrupting classes), the principal quickly apologized and ran out of the room like a little coward.

“Yeah, run you little coward!” Scarlette shouted, flipping her middle finger at him.

Which resulted in her getting in detention.

History was made, for the first time, someone got a detention.

Scarlette POV

I was seriously pissed. I didn’t even get to finish my APPLE.

“Stupid, freakin little....” I mumbled incoherent things under my breath.

“Ms. Marcellus, please introduce yourself to the class and  then you can take any seat you want” The teacher said nervously.

Any seat? Sweet. I scanned the class and found Lance. Thank god, I had someone to talk to. I stood at the middle of the platform, clearing my throat before dramatically speaking in a loud voice.

“I’m Scarlette. Please don’t call me anything else”

I was about to step off the platform when the teacher halted me with a confused face. I raised an eyebrow at her. It was now that I noticed she was very young, nineteen at least. Maybe she’s new or something.

“Won’t you like to say something else? Hobby?  Family members?” She asked curiously.  I was really struck with the whole ‘family member’ thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2011 ⏰

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