Love Like Scarlette - Fantastic Four

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Yeah! Another chapter done! :D

Hope you all enjoy this one.

Comment, fan,vote,read! 

XOXO Adrian

P.S. The videos I put on the side are just random, but they are great songs!

P.P.S. The picture on the side is of Zack

P.P.P.S.  Next chapter will be up by tommorrow!!



I straightened up and surprisingly found Cara and Jade pop out of nowhere. My eyes widened.

“Did you uh...”

They nodded. Damn. I’m in deep trouble now.

We got into the elevator and they pressed the ground floor. As the elevator was moving Cara kept babbling on and on about how rude and unladylike I was being. I found myself twitching and irritated by her voice.

Out of anger, I punched the side of the elevator, creating an average sized crater on it. Both of them jumped, obviously surprised and backed away from me calmly. I counted from 1 to 10 as it calmed me down. After I had calmed down, I faced them with a glare.

“You.” I pointed at Cara “are freaking annoying, shut the hell up. And you” I pointed at Jade “...  eh, you’re not annoying. ” I shrugged at Jade. She wasn’t as annoying, now that I think of it she was quiet, really quiet, like mute quiet.

Cutting off my train of thoughts, the elevator door opened with a ding. As we walked out, we seemed to catch the attention of some of the students.

I  smirked at them and continued walking.


“And that is the Pampering Room, it’s my favourite one. And beside that is the Arcade Room, no girl really goes in their because it’s just full of games and only guys go in there.” Cara explained

Jeez, is this school some kind of sexist or something?

“Well, is there a rule that says girls are not allowed in there?” They shook their heads

I gave a devilish grin and walked over to the door of the Arcade Room quietly. Cara stopped me when I was about to open its door.

“What do you think you’re doing?” She said in a hush whisper

“Going inside?...” I answered her. I walked in before she could stop me and it was true, I found no female specie in there. There were a few games on the front but it had a big skating ramp behind it. I squealed and grabbed my skateboard.

I started skating randomly, trying to learn some tricks my friends once taught me. It was fun, the only flaw of it was that many guys kept trying to talk to me and I would attempt to run them over if they didn’t go away. They were as annoying as Cara when she rants.

By the time I was exhausted, it was already 7pm, I ran out of their and found Cara and Jade out side waiting impatiently. Huh, I guess I WAS gone for two hours. I gave them a sheepish grin and we walked back to our room.

“Hey, I’ve got a question” I tapped Cara on the shoulder

She looked at me questionally.

“So are we allowed to wander the school after classes?”

She nodded

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!?! I could’ve met awesomer people! Bye.” I went out, flipping her the bird with a smirk.

I went down (yet again) but this time, sliding on the rail of the stairs.  I went to several places, meeting with other people. Well, I think they were very cool... NOT. It was like everyone here was Cara, copy- pasted.

I was walking around absent-mindedly and bumped into someone lightly, i looked at the person with a glare and saw grumpy guy –remember him?-  and his posse.

I gave them a smirk, “Hey! Where are you guys going?”

“ To his dorm, to hang out. Why?”

“Can I come?” I asked

They ageed, “Why? and no.” Grumpy guy said

“I’m dying of boredom and these bitches here aren’t helping me at all”

“Pleeease?” I used my puppy eyes on him

I saw something flicker in his eyes, he turned away and nodded in defeat. I jumped, whispering a ‘yess!’. I went along with them, chatting like friends, I learned alot about them. Apparently, they were all very sporty. The guy i punched was Josh. Grouchy guy is Zachariah or Zack for short. The other two are Nate and Jack.

In a stereotypical way let me just say that Josh is the player, Zack is the badass guy. Nate is a nerd and Jack is a class-clown type of guy. It was a whole high school put together. I also found out that Zack hated being called Ri. (zachaRIa)

And, I swear I know Zack from somewhere. Something about him just seems so familiar.

We walked all the way to his dorm because the elevator for the guys' dorms were out of order.

“Ri! How many more floors to your dorm?” I whined and tugged on his shirt

He scowled at me and told me to shut up, once again. Hey, if you were to go up eight, long staircases you would be complaining a hell lot more. I stopped and stomped and held out my arms out to Zack with puppy eyes.

He groaned and carried me up the last two staircases with me on his back. When we reached his dorm, we collapsed on his floor.

“’re so...heavy” He said panting

“Oh Zack! You’re so funny!” I said playfully punching him but purposely punching him hard. He grunted in pain and fully collapsed on the floor.

“Okay, you guys stop fighting. Now, who wants some coke and a movie?” Josh stood up and went to the kitchen to get five cokes.


I woke up to someone screaming and shouting in my eardrums. I jumped and fell of the bed. I stood up and glared at Cara. She pointed to the time and there was 35 minutes before class starts. They woke me up thirty minutes before?!?!

I bet they thought it would take me hours to get ready

“Um.. you can go ahead, I’ll catch up” They nodded and left

I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I put on the uniform and it was way too girly for me, so I put on some ripped black tights and a pair of combat boots.  It was ten minutes before class so I went to the cafe to eat breakfast.

After eating, I eagerly stood up and was ready to go.

But I guess fate had it in for me that day.

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