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"Hey," I said as I walked to Morgan's locker. She put up her backpack and grabbed a folder and then turned to me. Finally, I could see her beautiful eyes. I smiled and brought her into a hug and pecked her lips. "You doing anything tonight?"

"Um no, why?" She smiled back. Gosh, how much that smile made my legs weak.

"Can I take you on a date?"

"I suppose."

"Oh really? You suppose?" I said as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

"Yes, you can take me."

"Alright then, babygirl. I'll see you later tonight around seven, wear something nice because the place is pretty formal."

"You say that as if you have formal clothes," she chuckled.

"Hey, I have formal clothes, I go to church," I replied chuckling.

"Whatever, okay," she said. "Where are you going?"

"Biology, I'll see you in a bit okay, babygirl?" I said as we neared her classroom. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek.

I quickly walked down the hall as I saw Coach Kerr watching me. He always gets on my ass about tardies, and I knew I'd be suspended a game with my next two tardies.

I made it and sat down next to Klay and Draymond. Kyrie was a few seats down from me as we quickly exchanged a look. He looked different, like something happened to him or he got his feelings hurt. The other dickhead also was in here, Russell. This was the only class that I enjoyed going to sometimes because it was full of shit.

"What's up with Kyrie? How come he isn't with Russell?" Klay asked me as he nudged me slightly.

Draymond looked at us, "You guys talking about me again? Damn, can't stand yellow people."

"No," I laughed. I looked at Kyrie as he caught me staring at him. I motioned him to come here. I ain't gonna lie, I can't stand his ass sometimes but he got mad ball skills. Might as well get to know him but not too much, he still cares about Morgan.

"Hey," he mumbled and sat down. Draymond eyed him dryly and curled up his lip in a snarl.

"The fuck?" He said. He looked at Klay and I and looked back at Kyrie who sat there uncomfortably.

"You good?" I asked Kyrie.

He looked down at my desk and then back up at me, "Yeah." He scrunched up his thick eyebrows confused as why I was asking.

I nodded slowly not believing him one bit.

"Man," Draymond complained again. Kyrie got up and went back to his seat, looks like I'll have to talk to him by myself. "Can you believe that guy got the nerves to come and just sit next to me like that?l


"Open gym for the rest of this evening, I'm leaving. You guys lock up, if anything happens, it's on you guys, alright?" Coach Kerr said as the final bell rang. I nodded and then dribbled the ball a bit more and shot the ball. Making a far three as Kyrie looked back at me and gave me my rebound.

"Yo, Kyrie," I said and motioned for him to come.

He trailed slowly and looked at me slightly. "Yes?"

"How come you don't hang out with Westbrook?"

He shook his head, "He did me wrong, I don't fuck with people like that."


"He said after this whole act was done, Morgan and I would be friends again, that ain't ever gonna happen again."

"What are you talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows as he mentioned her name.

"Listen, his plan is kinda dirty and there's a semi-possible chance that it could happen-"

"What could happen?" I asked and held the ball in my hands as I turned my attention to him.

Kyrie looked around carefully, "At homecoming, you need to stick with Morgan for the whole night, Russell will literally snatch her. He's done it before so he knows how to. He told me that was his plan, after that, he'll probably rape her and do a lot more things. Just please stick around with her."

I nodded slowly and gritted my teeth. Why must he go after my girl? There's all these other girl but his ugly ass wants to go for mine. "You still care about her right?"

He sighed, "Just take care of her, alright? I'm telling you, that's what's going to go down. Homecoming is tomorrow, be ready."

I nodded as he dribbled the ball away and grabbed some water. That dude is humble, kinda like him to be honest. I jogged up to him quickly and patted his back.

"If for any reason, I have to leave Morgan, will you please be by her side?" I asked him. "I give you permission, Kyrie."

"I will, but I was mainly trying to be with Russell so I could keep up with him," he said and chugged some water down. "I will be there though, I'll be watching you and him since I won't have anything better to do."

"Thanks, dude," I patted his shoulder and walked into the locker room. I sat down in my locker and pulled out my phone.

Morgan called me a few minutes ago, so I quickly dialed her number back. Shit, I forgot about our date tonight, Kyrie's words distracted me.

"Hello," she answered.

"Hey, what's up," I sighed as I heard her voice.

"Where are you?"

"I'm leaving right now."

"Oh, I'm like walking to your car."

"Alright, are you with anyone?" I said and stuffed my sweaty shirt into my duffel bag. I pulled out another clean shirt and quickly put it on. I waved bye to Klay and walked out the gym doors.

"Um no," she said confused. My heart panicked a little bit and caused me to jog to my car.

"Where you at?"

"Next to your car." I finally saw her and sighed heavily again. I hung up and pulled her into my arms. She gasped lightly and then hugged me back. "Are you okay, Stephen?"

I nodded and kissed her forehead and then her lips. I opened the door for her as she got in and I closed it. I went to the other side and got in.

"What's wrong, talk," she said and grabbed my keys. Dang, this girl.

"I was worried about you," I admitted.


I looked at her and grabbed her hand, "I didn't see Russell and I got scared."

"So what about Russell?"

"He's trying to hurt you, Mo, he's definitely gonna try to snatch you when I'm not around. That's why, I was worried."

She nodded slowly, "He's not going to take me away from you." She grabbed my face and pecked my lips. I don't know what I'd be doing right now if I weren't with her.

We drove to her house, as I let her go get ready for tonight. "I'll see you later."

"I'll see you later too," she smiled and pecked my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled back.

a/n: really sad this is like the second to last chapter. next one is gonna be prettty long, that's all I have to say. ((:

morgan ➸ stephen curryWhere stories live. Discover now