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"Sit with me at lunch," Emma said.

"Of course," I replied.

"Have you seen the transfer?" She asked me while eating her chicken nuggets. "He's fine as hell."

There had been rumors going around that there was a transfer from Cleveland but I haven't seen nothing. Some said it was a mighty fine chocolate boy and others said an ugly ass guy. So we'll see I guess.

"Do you know his name?"

"Nope," she said popping out the 'p.' "Some said that he snapped at a teacher because she was annoying him."

"Dang," my eyebrows knitted. Kid must got some balls.

Emma suddenly looked down at her food with eyes wide. "He's coming, oh my gosh."

"Really? Is it that crucial?" I laughed. Before Emma spoke, I felt someone touch my shoulder lightly, and saw someone sit down next to me.

"Kyrie," I said in disbelief. What is he doing here?

He gave me a small smile, "Long time no see, Mo."

"Don't call me that."

"Why not?" He asked and squinted his gaze at Emma - who was acting very unusual.

"My name is Morgan, no nicknames attached," I replied.

"Emma?" He furrowed his thick eyebrows.

She looked up at him, "How do you know my name?"

"You don't remember me," he chuckled.

"You two know eachother?" She asked me.

"Yeah, he came here when we were freshmen, you know him, idiot. This is Kyrie remember? He was that one boy I would hangout with," I explained. I looked up and connected my eyes with Wardell. He gave me a small smile but then turned away when he noticed Kyrie.

Her mouth parted, "Oh, you sure did have a glow up."

I laughed remembering how she called him 'fine as hell' earlier. He smiled at her and then looked back at me.

"You been doing good?" I ask Kyrie.

He shrugged, "I feel like these teachers grew some balls while I was gone. The students be getting on my nerves too. This boy asked me if I wanted to beat up Andrew again."

The thing about Ky is that he's super friendly, but everyone thinks of him as a beast or monster. He once beat up Andrew and he got knocked out for two days. Andrew's older brother wanted to fight him, but Kyrie couldn't because he was moving. Once he left back to Cleveland, everyone said he moved there because he was a pussy. Now he's back, and everyone is teasing him apparently. I sort of find it amusing because he hasn't lost it yet. I'll be there watching when he does.

"Y'all some fuckers," he shook his head.

I slapped the back of his head, "Hey, watch your language."

"You meet any boys yet?" He laughed.

"Mm, yeah, but for a project."

"What is it? A fucking project to see who's the first one to get pregnant?"

"No," I said in disgust. "I have to spend eight weeks with this guy doing stuff like going bungee jumping, which is the most scariest thing ever."

"You fuck him yet?"

morgan ➸ stephen curryWhere stories live. Discover now