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I woke up to Stephen hugging my nude stomach—shirtless. That was a weird sight. I gently moved his head off of me and got up. I put on my shirt and went to the bathroom.

"Morgan!" he yelled. I groaned, it was too early for him to already be yelling.

"Yes?" I said and opened the door much wider for him. He sat up on my bed with the cover still slightly around him letting me see his toned body.

"Oh, I thought you left me."

"Waking up the whole damn house," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry," he whispered and hid under the blanket. He then unwrapped himself and joined me in the restroom.

He shoved me a bit to the side and rinsed his mouth out with mouthwash. I was fixing my hair as he hugged my back and grazed his lips over my neck. His lips were still slightly wet and cold, this is driving me insane.

"Stop," I whispered. His toned arm tightened around me as he pulled out his phone.

"Take a picture."


"Just take it," he said handing me his phone.

"Ugh, fine," I said and took his phone. I leaned onto the counter since my butt was literally touching his poker.

"Stop," he chuckled and leaned on to me again, digging his head into my neck. His hand resting on my stomach as I snapped the picture.

"Wait, did you want it on Snapchat?"

"Nah," he said. "I don't wanna put you out there yet."

"Why not?"

"Because then them fake ass hoes gonna be following you," he said and kissed my cheek. He moved his lips closer to mine as I dodged them.

"No, no kisses."

He kissed his teeth, "I dropped all my hoes for you, you got me bent if you think I'm not gonna get a kiss from you."

I chuckled and stared into his hazel colored eyes. Damn, those eyes. I walked passed him as he grabbed me and tried to turn me around. I started laughing as he picked me up and put me down lightly onto the bed.

"Morgan," he chuckled. His hands reached towards my face and quickly pecked my lips. I moved before he could continue.

"No, Steph," I said.

"I'm 'Steph' now? You mad at me or some?" He said since I rarely call him that. His grip loosened as he let me get up.

"No, I just wanted to call you that."

"Oh," he nodded his head slowly. "Let me kiss you, Mo!"

I puckered my lips out for him as he gently put his lips onto mine. I loved the way his lips felt on mine, I always enjoyed it. It just felt different, a feeling I've never felt before.

He pulled away and then kissed my forehead. He sat down next to me and pulled me closer to him. "I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise."


"I have some bad news to deliver," Mr. Arruzo announced as he entered the classroom a few minutes late--which was unusual.

Stephen hadn't shown up yet but I knew he was suspended, so I didn't bother to try to look for him no more.

"Well-" Mr. Arruzo started but was cut off by Stephen walking into the door. Well, there goes that. "Glad for you to join us, Stephen."

Stephen nodded and scanned the classroom. His eyes landed on mine and excited a bit. He straddled towards me and plopped down on his seat.

"Like I was saying," Mr. Arruzo continued. Stephen put his head down on my desk as I played with his ears and short curls. "I've decided to cancel this 'bonding activity-'"

There were a few grunts and "yes's" here and there but that didn't bother Mr. Arruzo. Stephen grunted when he said that. Honestly I was shocked, what's this going to mean for Stephen and I?

"Now listen, I know some you aren't happy but calculus is a lot harder than what most of y'all think it is. We're going to need the extra time to practice and what not-"

"But Mr. Arruzo, we were doing good!" Someone yelled.

"Yes, you guys were but we won't have the time for it. Now this doesn't mean you guys can't hang out anymore, you can always do that. Just know that you guys won't be graded on it no more."

"Damn, I was literally about to let her hit the d," someone muttered behind me. Stephen and I turned around as we stared at the 6'11" guy.

"DeAndre!" I scolded.

"What?" He put his hands up in surrender. "It's true."

"Shut the hell up, Jordan, that's some hoe shit," Stephen chuckled.

"But weren't you one?" He remarked. Well damn.

"Not too much," Stephen coughed and sat up.

DeAndre chuckled. I couldn't remember if DeAndre played basketball or not for us. I know he did play at one point but not sure right now. He wasn't there that one day for our tryouts.

Stephen's hand found their way onto my thigh, searching for my hand. He clasped his fingers with mine and lied his head back down on my desk.

"Stephen," I whispered.

"Hmm," he mumbled.

"Aren't you supposed to be suspended this week?" I asked.

"I was supposed to but my dad talked him out of it." He shrugged. 

"What are you doing tonight?"

"I don't know, was kind of thinking of going to your place. Is that fine?"

"Sure, no one is home tonight anyway. My mother works the late shift tonight," I said.

"Okay, cool."

"Does DeAndre play basketball?" I asked.

"I heard my name," DeAndre butted in as I chuckled.

"Yeah, he starts actually," Stephen grinned and looked back at DJ.

"Are you guys talking about me?" He asked clueless.


"All good things right?"

"Of course," I said.


"Hey, can I talk to you real quick?" Stephen asked me and pulled me aside to the gym doors. Practice just ended for us, but I know the boys were still finishing tryouts because of the newbies.

"Don't you need to be at tryouts?" I asked confused.

"Not really, Coach is mainly focusing on the other people since I was there in the summer."

"Oh, what's up then?" We stopped at my locker as I turned around to face him. He looked nervous for some reason.

"You remember that date we had right? When I left to go use the restroom?" He asked. Wow, he really labeled it as a date.

"Yeah, why?"

"I may have, sort of, lied to you."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "How?"

He sighed, "I saw my ex and I went up to go talk to her, she said she missed me. We kissed and stuff but then I backed off and left."

I didn't have much words to say since I lost my thought of it. It was a like a part of me was mad, but then the other part reminded me that Stephen isn't mine so I can't get mad. I just nodded my head and looked past him.

"I'm so sorry, Mo," he whispered.

"Well I mean, I can't be mad, It's not like your mine so you can still those things, you don't have to be faithful to anyone since you're single," I commented.

He chuckled, "That's the thing, Mo, I think I'm falling for you. No, let me rephrase that, I am falling in love with you."

morgan ➸ stephen curryWhere stories live. Discover now