Chapter 9

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Thanks guys it's amazing to see your reactions , the votes you all are giving are encouraging me to write more and more .
SORRY for not updating for awhile . My mobile just caught some stupid virus 😢😢
. I'll try my best to update now.
I was busy with school and functions

Byeeeee !!! 😇😆😣😄


I don't know why but I had a feeling that these girls (new ones ) were someone known.
I wanted to ask them I just it go .
"Hey don't you wanna come ?" Olivia asked .
"Oh ! Sorry I'm coming . I was just thinking something else ." I replied .
She started walking towards the group and I followed .
*They must be talking 'bout finding our way out while I was wondering about Olivia and Jamiena *

"So it's getting dark we sooo......"Mandy said .
" We should find a place to stay " I completed her sentence.

"Yup , so I know a place to stay "Olivia said walking forward . We all started following her.

"Aahhhhhhhhhhhhh , JONNATHAN , runnnnnnn" Mandy screamed running like flash .
We all ran . HE disappeared and then appeared in front of us out of nowhere.

He picked me up by my neck , his nails digging in my neck . All of us started screaming.
This was the first time that I saw HIS face .
It was dreadful . Pale white skin , 2 big black holes in place of eyes , a big dangerous plastered red smile.

HE bought me close and screamed in my face or I can it was a warning


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