Chapter 3

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"Oh no! Our mistake has strated resulting . That evil spirit has possesed your house." Marry told Christina.

"There is now only one way left break ouija board into 7 peices and burry it in the ground ." This struck to Emma .

"Where would we burry it ?" Allen asked .
"The area behind my house it's deserted . It will be perfect ." Jamie told everyone .

"Where is ouija board?"Liv asked.

"Hell , it's in the house." Merry cried.

"So now what will happen?" Emma asked while sobbing.
"It all happened due to me , I suggested to play this crap " . Christina blamed herself .

"It's no time to blame yourself Christina ,let's get the board ". Merry said.

They walked towards the house.
"I don't wanna go inside"Mandy said.

"You've to come inside with us ,do you wanna stay here alone ". Liv asked .

"No I'll come". Mandy said

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