Chapter 21: Why Does It Hurt So Much?

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I wandered through the village the next day and watched as everyone was happy and joyful inside. So why wasn't I? Every turn I made everyone seemed happy in what they were doing, it was every little step which made my heart feel more dead and hollow inside. What made it worse was when I cut the corner and saw Merida and Hiccup. I gulped and made my exit the other direction. That was the answer that made everything, not better, but a whole ton worse.

It hurts to watch and see the person you thought loved you stroll the village with a girl you hated. I kept saying to myself that maybe if I got to know her she would be fine, but I knew that would never happen, as deep inside her soul was pure hatred and evil and nothing can change that in anybody. Not even the heavens above can change how she is inside, and nothing will change the despite I feel towards her. Nothing.

I kicked the stones as I walked and twirled by axe around in my fingers and found myself in the cove. The cove. Why of all places the cove? I sat down by the water's edge and found my reflection in the water. What used to be a great reflection of happiness and greatness had now vanished between each ripple, now showing something that was not born but created by someone who stole her heart and tore it to pieces.

"Figured I would find you here," I looked up to see Heather "Oh hey Heather," then I looked back at the damaged rippled reflection. "That was pretty clever what you and the twins did yesterday," she laughed, I tried to laugh but it just wouldn't come out. "Look Astrid I know this is hurting you and believe me it would be hurting me as well, but playing her at her own game isn't going to work believe and it just isn't you. You feeling like this just shows that as well you missing him."

I looked up at her "Well then what should I do?" she smiled "Leave it be," I raised my eyebrow "Leave it be? What's that going to do push him away further great thanks," she laughed "No it won't silly, he will come closer because you leave the twins to do the pranks and then you carry on being you who he really likes and then he will see the better side of you and hang with you." Maybe she had a point, but how would I even know if it would work or not?

I nodded at her and we headed back to the village. I spotted the twins and ran to them "Oh hey Astrid we found a perfect prank to do," I stopped him "That's great guys and you can keep doing it but just not with me anymore okay, I'm just gonna be me again," I smiled and walked away before they could ask me any questions. I didn't know how this was going to play out, but I wanted it to play out well.

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